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This Guide provides instructions for setting up, configuring and demonstrating the capabilities of x-hoppers Green Box.

Created: August 2023

Updated: March June 2024



Place the Headsets into the Charger one by one. Ensure they are properly seated and charging. Allow at least 10 hours for the full charging before use.

Starting from WMS Beta 6.06.20240227.1, you You can check Headsets battery level in WMS:


  • Navigate to Dialplan menu, Dialplan rules tab

  • Download and import the following Dialplan procedures in Dialplan rules tab

    • View file
      name"XHoppersHelpPoints" and "clickcollect" Dialplan procedures.bkp
      - required for playing notifications for x-hoppers users if one of the help points is triggered and demonstrating click and collect scenario

    • View file
      nameChatGPT x-hoppers Dialplan procedure.bkp
      - required for ChatGPT Integration. Note that the Dialplan includes a variable {CONVERSATION} that stores conversations and sends them to an email. It is optional, to skip it, delete Custom applications in lines 7, 10 and 11. If you wish to receive emails, replace with your preferred address

    • View file
      namex-hoppers remote join demo.bkp
      - required for dialling into x-hoppers broadcasts remotely

  • Modify the users Dialplan by adding *Wairhotlinethe following two entries:

    1. *wair*as a called number

    and add
  • Modify the classound Dialplan by adding CLASSOUND DID
    1. with the following Dialplan applications:

      1. Set -> Language -> choose language

      2. Speech to text -> insert Please unmute and say question for Chat GPT, or wait to join the broadcast or any customized text

      3. Jump to if -> "${RECOGNITION_RESULT}"="question" -> select ChatGPT procedure

      4. Play sound -> click Browse (three dots) and choose the sound to be played on joining the broadcast or create it dynamically using TTS, for example Welcome to x-hoppers, joining the broadcast

      5. Conference -> enter the conference room ID number. This can be any number, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc


      1. green-box-wair-dialplan.pngImage Added
    1. *Wairhotline* with as a called number

    (you can check it in the email or on WMP under CLASSOUND DIDs tab) and add the
    1. with the following Dialplan applications:

      1. Set ->

      1. Language ->

  • Record a call -> specify an email

  • Jump to -> select IVR for xhoppers procedure


  • Modify the IVR for xhoppers Dialplan by specifying extensions, Call
      1. choose language

      2. Play sound -> click Browse (three dots) and choose the sound to be played on joining the broadcast or create it dynamically using TTS, for example Welcome to x-hoppers, joining the broadcast

      3. Conference -> enter the conference room ID number. This can be any number, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc. 


  • Modify the classound Dialplan by adding CLASSOUND DID as a called number (you can check it in the email or on WMP under CLASSOUND DIDs tab) and add the following Dialplan applications:

    • Set -> Codec -> alaw

    • Record a call -> specify an email

    • Jump to -> select IVR for xhoppers procedure


  • Modify the IVR for xhoppers Dialplan by specifying extensions, Call groups, audio files etc present on your PBX


  • To gather and post transcriptions of conversations, use these commands in Terminal:

    • create directory /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d

      Code Block
      # mkdir /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d
    • add the following key to the file 

      Code Block
      # vinano-tiny /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf
      ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ --daemon --mode calls presence -cr
    • add the following data to /rw2/etc/pbx/x-hoppers.json file

      Code Block
          "audio_conf_id": "2",
          "xbees_channel_id": "f6d17593-98b6-471d-941a-cd03153f"
      • audio_conf_id: ID of the audio broadcast channel in x-hoppers where the communication takes place

      • xbees_channel_id: ID of the x-bees conversation, where the content will be posted

    • reload systemd and restart the service to apply the changes:

      Code Block
      # systemctl daemon-reload
      # systemctl restart pbx-data-engine

Configuring Voice-Enabled User Authorization


The verification of users by voice is available starting from WMS version 6.06, make sure to update your PBX from rel60beta.


    • engine 

How to perform the Demo 

During a demonstration of x-hoppers, you can enable the logic of assigning W-AIR headsets to users via speech-to-text and verify their identity by voice footprint. In this chapter, we will explore how to enable and use this feature.

  • By default, this feature is disabled. To activate it, add the parameter --xhop_voice_login true to the /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf file

    Code Block
    # vi /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf
    ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ --daemon --mode calls presence -cr --xhop_voice_login true
  • Reload systemd and restart the service to apply the changes:

    Code Block
    # systemctl daemon-reload
    # systemctl restart pbx-data-engine
  • Install the specific libraries to enable verification of identity by voice using this command

    Code Block
    pip install librosa
  • Set up the Dialplan to allow users to record their voice footprint:

    View file
    and associate it with users Dialplan

  • Add the variable XHOP_VOICE_AUTH=yes to WMS -> Dialplan -> General Settings -> Set dialplan variables field

When the feature is enabled:

  • Users need to call the designated number in the Dialplan and follow the instructions to record their voice footprints

  • Upon lifting W-AIR headset, users are prompted to say their name and surname

  • The system matches the pronunciation with user records and assigns the headset accordingly

  • Each time the headset is placed into the charger, it gets unassigned meaning that it gets Service license type

If you have already assigned the headsets via WMS, to initiate this feature:

  • After enabling, for the first headset use, users need to lift the headset from the charger, place it back, and then lift it again

  • Alternatively, before activation, unassign headsets via WMS (Devices -> choose device -> click Assign to user -> in the Extension field, choose “unknown”). Subsequently, users should press the Call button when lifting the headsets from the charger

How to perform the Demo 

During a demonstration of x-hoppers, you can present both basic and advanced scenarios to showcase the system's capabilities. Basic scenarios involve scanning QR codes or using tablets and utilizing x-bees for gathering and posting content, while advanced scenarios showcase integration with Veesion and ChatGPT, taking communication to the next level.


To showcase tablet scenarios, you do not need to have an actual tablet, you can use a web version by using the link:

Joining the broadcast

The broadcast is the core functionality of x-hoppers, it refers to the network created by the system that enables real-time communication between x-hoppers users (retail assistants).

x-hoppers users are connected to the broadcast in Retail mode (muted) by default once W-AIR Headsets are lifted from the charging cradle.


To start speaking in the broadcast, use one of the options:

  1. Call button: press and hold the button to get unmuted. You stay unmuted only while pressing the button. When the button is released, the Headset goes back to mute

  2. Mute button: press the button to unmute and be able to speak in the broadcast. All people in the broadcast can hear you. You stay unmuted till Mute button is pressed again or till the Headset is placed to the Charger


To mute/ unmute the broadcast:

  1. Double-press Call button

  2. By default, audio from the broadcast gets muted for 60 seconds

  3. To unmute the broadcast before the timeout, double-press Call button again

You can customize the default 60 seconds timeout:

  • Add the following line to /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf file: 

    Code Block
  • Where 120 is the preferred timeout. If you want to disable the timeout, set the value to 0:

    Code Block


present both basic and advanced scenarios to showcase the system's capabilities. Basic scenarios involve scanning QR codes or using tablets and utilizing x-bees for gathering and posting content, while advanced scenarios showcase integration with Veesion and ChatGPT, taking communication to the next level.


To showcase tablet scenarios, you do not need to have an actual tablet, you can use a web version by using the link:

Joining the broadcast

The broadcast is the core functionality of x-hoppers, it refers to the network created by the system that enables real-time communication between x-hoppers users (retail assistants).

x-hoppers users are connected to the broadcast in Retail mode (muted) by default once W-AIR Headsets are lifted from the charging cradle.


To start speaking in the broadcast, use one of the options:

  1. Call button: press and hold the button to get unmuted. You stay unmuted only while pressing the button. When the button is released, the Headset goes back to mute

  2. Mute button: press the button to unmute and be able to speak in the broadcast. All people in the broadcast can hear you. You stay unmuted till Mute button is pressed again or till the Headset is placed to the Charger


To mute/ unmute the broadcast:

  1. Double-press Call button

  2. By default, audio from the broadcast gets muted for 60 seconds

  3. To unmute the broadcast before the timeout, double-press Call button again

The default 60 seconds timeout can be customized. For instructions, check x-hoppers Admin Guide (see the section “Modifying the timeout of broadcast mute”).

Managing calls

It is also possible to manage incoming and outgoing calls while being connected to the broadcast. Once a call ends, the Headset will automatically return to the broadcast.


  • Dial CLASSOUND DID from an external device

  • Choose one of the options from the interactive menu:

    • Option 1: Ring all retail assistants in Call group. By pressing 1, you initiate a broadcast to all users in a specific Call group. This option is ideal for scenarios where a general announcement or message needs to be communicated to all users simultaneously

    • Option 2: Hunt through Call group with Priority or Round Robin strategy. By pressing 2, you trigger a call routing mechanism that hunts through each user connected to a specific Call group in a predefined order. This option is suitable for customer care scenarios where callers need to be connected to representatives consecutively until a successful connection is established

    • Option 3: Call directly to a single user. By selecting 3, you directly contact a specific user, typically a manager or designated contact person. This option allows for one-on-one communication and is useful for private conversations

    • Option 4: Join broadcast 1. Pressing 4 enables you to join the first broadcast. This option grants the ability to participate in a specific broadcast session and communicate with all users simultaneously

    • Option 5: Join broadcast 2. Pressing 5 enables you to join the second broadcast, extending the capability to address a different group of users simultaneouslyextending the capability to address a different group of users simultaneously

It is possible to make announcement in x-hoppers broadcast to users of specific Departments only. Read more in the documentation: x-hoppers Admin Guide (see the section “Make announcement to users of specific departments”)

Basic scenarios


Ensure that all demo users are connected to an audio conference set up in Dialplan (in our example, conf 2), as all audio alerts are delivered to this specific conference.


x-hoppers offers a dedicated Analytics feature that provides detailed statistics about the system’s usage. By monitoring these metrics, managers can gain insights into the time distribution of retail assistants in conferences, including the total time spent, wait time, and talk time, as well as view statistics per each separate store, including the number of active users, average and total talk time and monitor , including the number of active users, average and total talk time and monitor the usage of help points, both tablets and QR codes. Such information can be valuable for analyzing productivity and optimizing conference management to improve efficiency.

To access x-hoppers Analytics, follow these steps:

  • Open x-bees and navigate to Analytics menu, Liveboards tab

  • Select “x-hoppers: Agents Stats” Liveboard to view Agents or Stores Stats or

  • Select “Demo: x-hoppers HelpPoints” Liveboard to demonstrate the usage of help points


To access x-hoppers Analytics, follow these steps:

  • Open x-bees and navigate to Analytics menu, Liveboards tab

  • Select “x-hoppers: Agents Stats” Liveboard to view Agents or Stores Stats or

  • Select “Demo: x-hoppers HelpPoints” Liveboard to demonstrate the usage of help points. Note, that stats for this report are artificially generated. To show the real stats per a specific PBX, select “x-hoppers HelpPoints”

Tip: To generate statistics for multiple stores, it is necessary to have multiple active conferences.




  • . Note, that stats for this report are artificially generated. To show the real stats per a specific PBX, select “x-hoppers HelpPoints”

Tip: To generate statistics for multiple stores, it is necessary to have multiple active conferences.



Detailed description of x-hoppers Analytics can be found in x-hoppers Analytics.

Other options

Voice-Enabled User Authorization

Within x-hoppers, you can enable the logic of assigning W-AIR headsets to users via speech-to-text and verify their identity by voice footprint (either for all users or for users of specific Departments only).

Explore how to enable and use this feature in the documentation: How to set up Voice Authorization for x-hoppers

Push-to-talk on mobile

This option allows to send Push-to-talk messages to x-hoppers broadcast from x-bees conversation. Users can send voice messages to x-hoppers broadcast via mobile and receive broadcast messages to x-bees conversation, having them played automatically in Speaker mode. 

Read more in the documentation