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The document describes how to start a conference in x-bees and use x-bees conference features.

x-bees documentation: link.

Updated: April 2024



Screen sharing issue on macOS using Google Chrome

Due to detected issues in Google Chrome, it might be impossible to use screen sharing.

To resolve the issue, take the following steps:

  1. Update Chrome to the latest version
  2. Refresh permissions: go to macOS System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Screen Recording -> uncheck and check Google Chrome checkbox


  1. To use the feature, click three dots (More actions) -> Enable Picture-in-Picture:

2. When enabled, picture-in-picture view of the selected / active user stays on top of your other windows. Hovering the mouse over the picture-in-picture screen, you have the following options:

  • Mute/ unmute
  • Start/ stop video
  • Leave conference
  • Back to tab (returns you to the x-bees tab with the conference and disables the Picture-in-Picture option) 

Image ModifiedAlso, on the picture-in-picture view, you can see:

  • if microphone of a user is enabled or not
  • raised hands: names of the first three users who raised hands as well as how many more raised hands there are 
  • preview of videos 


  • When you or another user disable the video, the avatar displayed in PiP view is not the one uploaded by the user, but the default one (with user initials).

Other control options

In addition to being able to decide whether participants should start with their webcams and microphones enabled/ disabled, there are other options available for PBX users:


  1. Click on three dots in the lower central side of the screen
  2. Click View shortcuts
  3. A new dialog Keyboard shortcuts opens:

Half-webinar mode

In case there are more than 30 participant in the conference, half-webinar mode is used, to boost conference performance. Half-webinar mode suggests there are Speakers and Visitors in the conference. First 30 members who join the conference are automatically added as Speakers, while the rest participants join as Visitors. 

Visitors have access to a limited conference functionality compared to Speakers:

  • Visitors do not have Mute/ Unmute and Start/ Stop camera buttons. Available menus include Chat, Raise your hand, and Toggle tile view:

    Image Modified
  • In Settings, Visitors can only choose the audio output:

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  • If a Visitor wants to speak in the conference, they should raise a hand:

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  • Speaker can admit or reject the request via push notifications or via the Participants panel.:


  • Image Added

When the request is admitted, Visitor is moved to Speakers. There is no restriction to the number of Visitors that can be moved to Speakers. 
