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This guide explains in detail each Dialplan application and provides practical examples and use cases.

Updated: October 2021


Table of Contents

Basic information on how Dialplan works: Dialplan: How does it work?


Suppose our local PBX is situated in Italy and remote one in France.
users” Dialplan configuration on local (Italian) PBX:

In case the French number is entered, the call is routed via a remote PBX located in France, the Dialplan procedure “users”.
users” Dialplan configuration on remote (French) PBX:


Suppose the international prefix is 39 (Italy). Here is the “users” Dialplan configuration example:

If the called number is +3904611715112, the system removes +39 and adds 0, the number after normalization is: 004611715112 and it matches the number 00[1-9], so the call is routed via the “local” trunk.


Call coming from 021234533 must be routed to the user 133, call coming from 021234532 must be routed to the user 132, etc: Set number -> remove – 7  -> prepend digits – 1 (DID management). Here is an example of Dialplan configuration for incoming calls (“main”) in this case:

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Dial the trunk

 Routes the call through the specified trunk.


Here is an example of the Dialplan procedure for incoming calls (“main”), where an incoming call to the tech support number is first routed to the tech support group, if no one answered within the timeout of 20 seconds, the call is routed to the sales group:

Image ModifiedConference

Puts the call into multiconference.


In our example the call recording starts as soon as the call is answered (specified in “Set Options”), and the copy of the recording is sent to the email address of user 100. To enable call recording of incoming calls, modify the Dialplan procedure used for managing incoming calls (“main”):

In this case all the incoming calls to the line 021234567 are recorded and the copy of the conversation is sent to the email address


Suppose the company phone and fax number is 021234567. Modify the Dialplan procedure used to manage incoming calls:

In our example the system tries to detect fax during 4 seconds, while the execution of the Dialplan procedure proceeds to the next step and the call is routed to the call group. In case within the 4 seconds the fax is detected, the system stops the execution of application “Call group” and the call is forwarded to the called number “fax” (as defined in “Set Number” option), in which the fax is being sent to email


In both cases the system starts the call recording of the outgoing call, but the copy of call recording is sent to different email addresses; the caller number set on trunk is different for Sales and Tech support. At the third step “Jump to”, the system routes the call to the Dialplan procedure “users”, where both types of calls (the one made by Sales or by Tech Support department), use the Dialplan application “Dial the trunk”:

Jump to if

 Jump to another procedure in case matched the condition with the possibility to modify the number.


In our example, in case the switch status is "ON", the incoming calls are routed to the procedure “Closed”, in case the switch is in status “Extra”, the incoming calls are routed to another Dialplan procedure “Mobile_number” (modify the procedure used for incoming calls, “main” by default):

In case the 3 state switch (called “Switch1”) is OFF, the Dialplan continues its execution and the call is routed to the procedure "Call group".


In case the switch status is EXTRA (blinking), the call is routed to the procedure “mobile_number”, where the call is sent to the predefined mobile number via the GSM trunk.

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Jump to if call type is

Verifies the type of call, if matched, jumps to another procedure with the possibility to modify the number.



Note: you can associate each contact to call type in Phonebook (whitelist / blacklist); otherwise, in case you have imported a phonebook from some DB where you have some custom call class, e.g. “myclass”, you can set up this custom call class in “Select call type” section:

Jump to if congested / busy

Analyses the status of the call. If the “state” (BUSY, NOANSWER, CONGESTION, CHANUNAVAIL.) corresponds to the call, Dialplan jumps to another procedure with the possibility to modify the number. If no match was found, Dialplan proceeds to the next step.


Extends the capabilities of Dial by name / Directory application and allows you to create IVRs with voice control.



Case 8 (WMS 5.02). Continue recording of an outgoing call after it is transferred to another user:
