Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
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}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>



The List of custom config parameters that allow changing various settings in config files.

Created: August 2018

Updated: January February 2021


Table of Contents

To make any changes to config files, access them via SSH as root:


2. (available in WMS 5.02) Disable updates for all early statuses including "ringing", "check who is calling", "cancelled" etc for "Call All 10/32" strategies (check the separate Article regarding the feature). To enable the behaviour:


The option allows setting a specific GSM gateway for SMS sending for each separate user:

  • Edit the config file /etc/wildix/smsd-route.conf  by specifying user extension and MAC address of GSM gateway, for example:

    Code Block


  • Run the command: 

    Code Block
    rcallweaver -rx "moh reload"

  • Add Dialplan application Set -> Music on hold -> radio

Integrate custom HTML code to Collaboration by using Google Tag Manager (WMS 5.02) 


The feature is available only for Cloud PBXs!

Google Tag Manager allows integrating custom HTML code into Collaboration. Take the following steps

  • Create a new config file template.conf including GTM ID in the file /rw2/etc/pbx/, for example, use the command: 

    Code Block
    echo 'gtm=GTM-12345678' > template.conf

    where 123445678 is Google Tag Manager ID.

  •  After implementation, the following sections appear in the code: 

after the <HEAD> section:

Code Block
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

after the <BODY> section: 

Code Block
<!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
<noscript><iframe src=""
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
<!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->


Enable Q-value (serial forking) for trunk registration

To enable q-value (serial forking) parameter via custom register string:

  • Copy registration line for a trunk from /etc/callweaver/sip-registration.conf (Example: register => 144?144:123456:”144″@

  • Uncheck Enable registration option in Trunk Settings (WMS -> Trunks)
  • Add a new line into /etc/callweaver/sip-general-custom.conf: 

    Code Block
    register => 144?144:123456:”144″@ 

    Where 0.6 is q-value.

Run the command: 

Code Block
callweaver -rx “sip reload”

Modify sending keep-alive packets via UDP packets to keep RTP ports opened

The option improves symmetric RTP/ NAT by allowing keep-alive packets to be sent via UDP packets for PBXs located behind NAT. 

To send UDP packets (by default, RTP packets are sent), proceed with the following:

  • Add the following parameter to the file etc/callweaver/sip-general-custom.conf 

    Code Block

    Available values: udp | rtp.


Exit code 0 from voicemail 

Support for exit code 0 from voicemail allowing caller to speak with an operator was added.

How to use:

  • Add the letter ‘o’ as called number to the Dialplan context (that is where the “0” key sends the caller)

How to enable:

  • Add the parameter operator=yes to the file voicemail.conf. It allows sender to hit 0 before/ after/ during leaving a voicemail to reach an operator

Allow overriding of Global Call groups settings 

The option allows overriding of Global Call groups settings (see the chapter below) and saving custom parameters after each system upgrade.

To override Global Call group settings, you need to edit queues-general-custom.conf which is included in file queues.conf.

  • Add a custom parameter, for example: autofill = yes (by default, the file queues.conf contains autofill = no parameter) 

Global Call groups settings

Global Call group settings are defined and configured in [general] section of the configuration filqueues.conf (the path to the file: /rw2/etc/callweaver/queues.conf).

[general] section

The section contains global settings that are applied to all Call groups.

  • persistentmembers = yes 

With persistentmembers enabled, all dynamically added Call group members (via Feature code "Call group management" 97, WebAPI "Call group login" and Contact center feature in Collaboration) are stored in their Call groups and therefore saved after the system restart. 

  • autofill = no 

With autofill disabled, a Call group attempts to deliver calls to members in a serial manner. This means only one call is attempted to be distributed to members at a time. Additional callers are not distributed to members until that caller is connected to a member. With autofill enabled, callers are distributed to available agents simultaneously. The parameter allows you to more efficiently distribute calls between Call group members, especially if there are several callers in a queue and several members can accept a call. 



Hotel PMS

WHoteld package supports some custom configuration parameters that can be changed by editing the file /etc/wildix/whoteld_manager_custom.conf.

List of the available parameters:


  • Full - allows all synchronizations
  • Forbid - denies any data synchronizations
  • Lite - denies synchronization requests to FIAS/ XOpen interfaces


  • std - accepts DND events only from FIAS interface
  • extended - allows handling DND events also from PBX and XOpen interfaces


Supported values: 2 min - 6 min - 10 min (min - default - max) 


Note: the parameter "BadgeTimeout" is removed from to whoteld_manager_wms.conf.

The new default timeout is 60 seconds. New supported values: 20-600 seconds (min-max).



Enable Q-value (serial forking) for trunk registration

To enable q-value (serial forking) parameter via custom register string:

  • Copy registration line for a trunk from /etc/callweaver/sip-registration.conf (Example: register => 144?144:123456:”144″@

  • Uncheck Enable registration option in Trunk Settings (WMS -> Trunks)
  • Add a new line into /etc/callweaver/sip-general-custom.conf: 

    Code Block
    register => 144?144:123456:”144″@ 

    Where 0.6 is q-value.

  • Run the command: 

    Code Block
    callweaver -rx “sip reload”

Modify sending keep-alive packets via UDP packets to keep RTP ports opened

The option improves symmetric RTP/ NAT by allowing keep-alive packets to be sent via UDP packets for PBXs located behind NAT. 

To send UDP packets (by default, RTP packets are sent), proceed with the following:

  • Add the following parameter to the file etc/callweaver/sip-general-custom.conf 

    Code Block

    Available values: udp | rtp.

Include the session-expires timer in UPDATE message

The feature is disabled by default. It is applied for some specific carriers when calls can drop due to the missing session-expires timer in UPDATE messages.

If you encounter such issue, follow these steps to include the session-expires timer:

  • Edit the file /etc/callweaver/sip-general-custom.conf by adding the parameter: 

    Code Block

    Available values: no – the feature is disabled; yes – the feature is enabled.

  • Run the command: 

    Code Block
    callweaver -x 'sip reload'


Exit code 0 from voicemail 

Support for exit code 0 from voicemail allowing caller to speak with an operator was added.

How to use:

  • Add the letter ‘o’ as called number to the Dialplan context (that is where the “0” key sends the caller)

How to enable:

  • Add the parameter operator=yes to the file voicemail.conf. It allows sender to hit 0 before/ after/ during leaving a voicemail to reach an operator

Allow overriding of Global Call groups settings 

The option allows overriding of Global Call groups settings (see the chapter below) and saving custom parameters after each system upgrade.

To override Global Call group settings, you need to edit queues-general-custom.conf which is included in file queues.conf.

  • Add a custom parameter, for example: autofill = yes (by default, the file queues.conf contains autofill = no parameter) 

Global Call groups settings

Global Call group settings are defined and configured in [general] section of the configuration filqueues.conf (the path to the file: /rw2/etc/callweaver/queues.conf).

[general] section

The section contains global settings that are applied to all Call groups.

  • persistentmembers = yes 

With persistentmembers enabled, all dynamically added Call group members (via Feature code "Call group management" 97, WebAPI "Call group login" and Contact center feature in Collaboration) are stored in their Call groups and therefore saved after the system restart. 

  • autofill = no 

With autofill disabled, a Call group attempts to deliver calls to members in a serial manner. This means only one call is attempted to be distributed to members at a time. Additional callers are not distributed to members until that caller is connected to a member. With autofill enabled, callers are distributed to available agents simultaneously. The parameter allows you to more efficiently distribute calls between Call group members, especially if there are several callers in a queue and several members can accept a call. 



Hotel PMS

WHoteld package supports some custom configuration parameters that can be changed by editing the file /etc/wildix/whoteld_manager_custom.conf.

List of the available parameters:

  • ReSyncType is used to modify data synchronization procedure. The following values are available:
    • Full - allows all synchronizations
    • Forbid - denies any data synchronizations
    • Lite - denies synchronization requests to FIAS/ XOpen interfaces
  • DnDBehaviour -  setup for the DND event processing. The following values are available:
    • std - accepts DND events only from FIAS interface
    • extended - allows handling DND events also from PBX and XOpen interfaces
  • (removed to another file. See information below) BadgeTimeout - timeout for waiting on the badge programming response 
    • Supported values: 2 min - 6 min - 10 min (min - default - max) 


      Note: the parameter "BadgeTimeout" is removed from to whoteld_manager_wms.conf.

      The new default timeout is 60 seconds. New supported values: 20-600 seconds (min-max).


Note: Information about hotel integration: Hotel Integration - FIAS protocol - Guide.

Integrate custom HTML code to Collaboration by using Google Tag Manager (WMS 5.02) 


The feature is available only for Cloud PBXs!

Google Tag Manager allows integrating custom HTML code into Collaboration. Take the following steps

  • Create a new config file template.conf including GTM ID in the file /rw2/etc/pbx/, for example, use the command: 

    Code Block
    echo 'gtm=GTM-12345678' > template.conf

    where 123445678 is Google Tag Manager ID.

  •  After implementation, the following sections appear in the code: 

  1. after the <HEAD> section:

    Code Block
    <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
    new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
    <!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

  2. after the <BODY> section: 

    Code Block
    <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
    <noscript><iframe src=""
    height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
    <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->

Fax Server

Adjust the resolution of outgoing faxes 
