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This Document contains documents for CLASSOUND Activation Requests.

Created: April 2020

Updated: September November 2020



Table of Contents


CLASSOUND is the only solution that allows you to enjoy First Class Audio Quality all over the world, safely in the Cloud. It provides the First Class Sound you deserve, wherever you work.

CLASSOUND is a built-in VoIP trunk, available out of the box in the Wildix system, it is especially useful for international companies with offices in different countries because it gives them an opportunity to connect all of their offices using the same operator, and for companies who have customers and partners all over the world and simply need to place and receive international calls. 

More information on CLASSOUND: 

Read the document documenHow to configure and use CLASSOUND


-> The expiration date must be the same for the PBX and the services connected to that PBX.

Procedure to place a new DID order or to order a number porting


Only Wildix Partners can place CLASSOUND order requests.


Warning: Emergency calls are not available until the porting procedure is completed. Consider setting a prior trunk as a backup for the porting period.

DIDs ordering/ porting can be managed via WMP. There you can add new activation/ porting requests, track the progress of already submitted ordering/ porting requests and view the list of ordered/ ported DIDs. Additionally, you are automatically updated via email about activation/ DIDs porting status.


CountryRequired Documents
  • Proof of address (the customer's business needs to be registered in the same area where the phone number is requested).
    • Acceptable documents are Handelsregisterauszug (Commercial Register) or Bescheinigung der Gewerbeanzeige (Business Registration).

    • We do not accept utility bills as proof address. Acceptable documents are the ones issued by official sources. Documents issued by a local authority (government agency) such as proof of residence from the municipality or a proof of business registration from the trade registry are acceptable.

    • The document should be complete, issued to the relevant company and state the relevant address on the document and it needs to be issued by an official state, municipality, government, authority or trade/commerce organisation.


Proof of address and proof of ID

  • Proof of address (the customer's business needs to be registered in the same area where the phone number is requested)
  • Proof of ID
    • Please provide the Enterprise Registration Certificate/ Business Registration document (such as a Kbis or INSEE document). Note that this document primarily serves as a proof of ID for a business end user. You can submit it also as the proof of address, provided the relevant address is stated in it. Should the relevant address not be stated in this document, you will need to provide a valid proof of address* in addition.  

      *The following documents are accepted as valid proof of address: third party issued monthly bank statements and public utility bills (showing regular use of services) issued in the last six months and government documents issued in the last year, provided they include the address information. 

  • Proof of address (the customer's business needs to be registered in the same area where the phone number is requested).
    • Acceptable documents are Handelsregisterauszug (Commercial Register) or Bescheinigung der Gewerbeanzeige (Business Registration).

    • We do not accept utility bills as proof address. Acceptable documents are the ones issued by official sources. Documents issued by a local authority (government agency) such as proof of residence from the municipality or a proof of business registration from the trade registry are acceptable.

    • The document should be complete, issued to the relevant company and state the relevant address on the document and it needs to be issued by an official state, municipality, government, authority or trade/commerce organisation.

  • Scan of the business owner's national ID
  • Proof of business registration in Italy (Visura, updated up to 6 months ago)

Proof of address

  • Proof of address (the customer's business needs to be registered in the same area where the phone number is requested).
    • Acceptable documents are Handelsregisterauszug (Commercial Register) or Bescheinigung der Gewerbeanzeige (Business Registration).

    • We do not accept utility bills as proof address. Acceptable documents are the ones issued by official sources. Documents issued by a local authority (government agency) such as proof of residence from the municipality or a proof of business registration from the trade registry are acceptable.

    • The document should be complete, issued to the relevant company and state the relevant address on the document and it needs to be issued by an official state, municipality, government, authority or trade/commerce organisation.

Other countries
Send us the order via the form; at a certain step you will have the option to select "Other" (for Porting only or for NEW DID only), we will get in touch with you in case any additional documents will be needed.

Port existing DIDsDIDs 

For number porting, in addition to the documents specified above, you need to prepare the following documents:


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