Versions Compared


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On this page, you can find documentation about x-bees Snalytics which provides all the information you need to keep on top of your business.

Created: May 2022


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The answer opens and besides viewing its details. Also, using the Explore this data panel on the right, you can modify the answer by applying additional filters, adding/ replacing columns, choose data for comparison:

Keyword reference

Use keywords to help define a search.



Note: When using the top or bottom keywords without specifying a number (n), the number defaults to 10.

Keyword Description
top n

Generates the top n items from a sorted result.


top 10 sales rep revenue

top sales rep by count sales for average revenue > 10000 sales

rep average revenue for each region top

top n measure1 by attribute|measure2

Calculates top n items, then sorts the top items by another measure or attribute.

Contrast with top n (swaps the order of operations).


top 10 sales rep revenue by profit margin

bottom n

Generates the bottom n items from a sorted result.


bottom 25 customer by revenue for each sales rep

bottom revenue average

bottom revenue by state

customer by revenue for each sales rep bottom

sort by

Sorts the result set by an attribute or measure.


revenue by state sort by average revenue descending

by <measure>

Treats the measure as an attribute and groups the result set by it.


conversations by day



conversations after 10/31/2022


conversations before 03/01/2022

between ... and ...

conversations between 01/30/2022 and 01/30/2022


conversations daily

daily year-over-year

growth of revenue by order date daily year-over-year


count monday restaurant

day of week

conversations by day of week last 6 months
count conversations Monday

growth of …​ by ...

growth of sales by order date

growth of …​ by …​ daily

growth of sales by order date daily

growth of …​ by …​ monthly

growth of sales by date shipped monthly sales > 24000

growth of …​ by …​ quarterly

growth of sales by date shipped quarterly

growth of …​ by …​ weekly

growth of sales by receipt date weekly for pro-ski2000


conversations by callee hourly

last day by

conversations last day by callee

last month

conversations last month by callee

last month by

conversations last month by day

last n days

conversations last 7 days

last n months

conversations last 10 months by day

last n quarters

conversations last 2 quarters by month by service

last n weeks

conversations last 10 weeks by day

last n years

conversations last 2 years by service 

last quarter

conversations last quarter 

last week

conversations last week by service

last year

conversations last year by callee


conversations by month last year


conversations January

month to date

sales by product month to date sales > 2400

month year

conversations by service February 2022


conversations by service monthly

monthly year-over-year

growth of revenue

by receipt date

monthly year-over-year

n days ago

conversations 2 days ago

last n days for each month

conversations 2 days for each month

last n days for each quarter

conversations last 15 days for each quarter

last n days for each week

conversations last 2 days for each week

last n days for each year

conversations last 300 days for each year

last n hours for each day

conversations last 2 hours for each day

n months

conversations last 6 months

n months ago

conversations 2 months ago by service

last n months for each quarter

conversations last 2 months for each quarter

last n months for each year

conversations last 8 months for each year

n quarters ago

conversations 4 quarters ago by service

last n quarters for each year

last 2 quarters for each year

n weeks ago

conversations 4 weeks ago by callee

last n weeks for each month

conversations last 3 weeks for each month

last n weeks for each quarter

last 2 weeks for each quarter

last n weeks for each year

last 3 weeks for each year

n yearsopportunities next 5 years by revenue
n years agoconversations 2 years ago by service
next dayshipments next day by order
next monthappointments next month by day
next n daysshipments next 7 days
next n monthsopenings next 6 months location
next n quartersopportunities next 2 quarters by campaign

next n weeks

shipments next 10 weeks by day
next n yearsprojected deals next 5 years
next quarteropportunities next quarter amount > 30000
next weekshipments next week by store
next yearopportunities next year by sales rep

quarter to date

sales by product quarter to date

for top 10 products by sales


conversations quarterly by service

quarterly year-over-year

growth of revenue by date shipped quarterly year-over-year

this day

conversations this day by callee

this month

conversations this month by day
this quarterconversations this quarter by callee
this weekconversations this week by service
this yearconversations this year by callee
todayconversations today by callee
weekconversations by week last quarter
week to datesales by order date week to date for pro-ski200
weeklyconversations weekly
weekly year-over-year

growth of revenue by date shipped weekly year-over-year

yearrevenue by product 2014 product name contains snowboard

year to date

sales by product year to date
yearlyshipments by product yearly
yesterdaysales yesterday for pro-ski200 by store




conversations uk_support vs all


Note: The all keyword can only be used as part of a versus phrase.

between... and...

revenue between 0 and 1000

= (equal)

unique count visitor by store purchased products = 3 for last 5 days


revenue asia vs everything


Note: The everything keyword can only be used as part of a versus phrase.

> (greater than)sum sale amount by visitor by product for last year sale amount > 2000

>= (greater than or equal)

count calls by employee lastname >= m

< (less than)

unique count visitor by product by store for sale amount < 20

<= (less than or equal)

count shipments by city latitude <= 0

!= (not equal)

sum sale amount region != canada date != last 5 days

vs, versus

conversations uk_support vs us_support


In / Not in


Query in query search (intersection of two sets). Must match last attribute before keyword with first attribute inside subsearch.


attribute in (attribute subsearch)


store name in (top 10 store name by sales footwear)

product name 2014 product name in (product name 2013) sales

not in

Relative complement of two sets. Must match last attribute before keyword with first attribute inside subsearch.


attribute not in (attribute subsearch)


product name 2014 product name not in (product name 2013) sales
(= Find sales for all products ordered in 2014 that were not ordered in 2013)


Your search must have at least one attribute and one measure to be represented as a column chart.

Stacked columns

The stacked column chart is similar to the column the column chart, but with one major difference. It includes a legend, which divides each column into additional sections, by color.


Note: You can only use an attribute to slice with color.

Bar charts

The bar chart is very similar to the column chart. The only difference is that it is oriented horizontally, instead of vertically. The length of the bar is proportional to the data value.

Your search needs at least one attribute and one measure to be represented as a bar chart.

Stacked bar charts

Just like stacked columns, stacked bars combine the different secondary dimensions into a single stacked bar.

The stacked bar chart is similar to the bar the bar chart, but it also includes a legend, which divides each bar into additional sections by color. 


Note: You can only use an attribute to slice with color.

Line charts

Line charts are good at showing trends over intervals of time. Like the column the column chart, the line chart is one of the simplest, yet most versatile. It is often chosen as default visual representation. Line charts display your data as a series of data points connected by straight line segments. The system orders the measurement points by the x-axis value.

Your search must have at least one attribute and one measure to be represented as a line chart. If your search has multiple attributes, you can slice with color to sort by the second attribute.

Pie charts

The pie chart is a classic chart type that displays your search in a circle. 

Pie charts divide your data into sectors that each represent a proportion of a whole circle. To display the exact values of each slice and the percentage values, select the Edit chart configuration icon > Settings >  icon > Settings > All labels.

Your search needs at least one attribute and one measure to be represented as a pie chart. Also, there must be fewer than 250 values in the attribute column.

Pie in pie charts

The pie in pie chart can be created from a regular pie chart in order to compare more than one component of an attribute. Pie in pie charts show two concentric pie charts comparing different measures.

To see a pie in pie chart, assign two different measures to the Size section under Edit chart configuration.

Scatter charts

The scatter chart is useful for finding correlations or outliers in your data. Scatter charts display your data as a collection of points, which can either be evenly or unevenly distributed. Each point is plotted based on its own axes values. This helps you determine if there is a relationship between your searched columns.

Your search needs at least one attribute and one measure to be represented as a scatter chart.

Bubble charts

The bubble chart is a variation of the scatter chart, and its data points appear as bubbles. Your search must have at least one attribute and two measures to generate a bubble chart. The bubble chart displays three to five dimensions or measures of data. In addition to the traditional X and Y axis, the size of the bubble represents a measurement. Bubble charts can show two more attributes, when you slice and/or slice by color.

Pareto charts

The pareto chart is a type of chart that contains both columns and a special type of line chart.

The individual values of a pareto chart are represented in descending order by columns, and the cumulative percent total is represented by the line. The y-axis on the left is paired with the columns, while the y-axis on the right is paired with the line. By the end of the line, the cumulative percent total reaches 100 percent.

Your search needs at least one attribute and one measure to be represented as a pareto chart.

Waterfall charts

The waterfall chart shows how an initial value is affected by a series of intermediate positive or negative values. Waterfall charts are good for visualizing positive and negative growth, and therefore work well with the growth over time keyword. The columns are color-coded to distinguish between positive and negative values. Your search needs at least one attribute and one measure to be represented as a waterfall chart.

Treemap charts

The treemap chart displays hierarchical data as a set of nested rectangles.

Treemap charts use color and rectangle size to represent two measure values. Each rectangle, or branch, is a value of the attribute. Some branches can contain smaller rectangles, or sub-branches. This setup makes it possible to display a large number of items in an efficient way. You can rearrange the columns of your search into category, color, and size under under Edit chart configuration.

Your search needs at least one attribute and two measures to be represented as a treemap chart.

Heatmap charts

The heatmap chart displays individual data values in a matrix following a color scale. The value of each cell depends on the measure you choose under Edit chart configuration.

Line column charts

The line column chart combines the column and line charts. Your search needs at least one attribute and two measures to be represented as a line column chart.

Line column charts display one measure as a column chart, and the other as a line chart. Each of these measures has its own y-axis.

Stacked line column charts

This chart is similar to the line column chart, except that it divides its columns with an attribute in the legend. The line stacked column chart combines stacked column and line chartscombines stacked column and line charts. There are two y-axes, one for each measure.

Funnel chart

The funnel chart shows a process with progressively decreasing proportions amounting to 100 percent in total. You can visualize the progression of data as it passes from one phase to another. Data in each of these phases is represented as different proportions.

Your search needs at least one attribute and one measure to be represented as a funnel chart. The attribute must contain 50 or fewer values.

Pivot table

Pivot tables are charts that enable you to explore an alternate visualization of your data in a wide, customizable table. With pivot tables, you can use the same table to visualize some of your data horizontally, and some data vertically. You can restructure your pivot table by dragging and dropping the measures and attributes under Edit chart configuration, or by dragging and dropping column headings on the table itself.

Sankey charts

The Sankey chart type contains both columns and a special type of line chart. Sankey diagrams illustrate a flow through, a process, or a system. When you build a Sankey chart, you must provide at least 2 (two) attributes and one measure. Your x-axis attributes can contain at most 13 values; any more and you cannot view a SanKey chart. 
