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Wildix Business Intelligence (WBI) is a pure innovation--a set of services that, thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), allow businesses to significantly automate and streamline their daily processes and communication.

Created: January 2018


Table of Contents

All WBI services are available only with:


More details: 

Text-to-speech (TTS)


1 Premium license provides 2 hours of service per system. Need more hours? Add more Premium licenses.

Personal Assistant - User status reporting

Personal Assistant is a voice AI (Artificial Intelligence) service that informs callers of your current user status, user status message and duration if available.



The feature is available for calls from the users of the system and not for the external callers

Static TTS in Sounds menu

Thanks to Text-to-Speech (TTS) you can generate audio files in different languages from text and save them on your PBX to use it later on in IVRs or in Dialplan.


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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dynamic TTS in Dialplan

Dynamic TTS feature allows for dynamic generation of interactive voice responses using Text-to-Speech feature in Dialplan and supports the use of variables. Using this feature the audio file is generated dynamically during the execution of the Dialplan application.


Example of a Dialplan configuration:

Worldwide Phonebook


System-wide feature: 1 Premium license activates the feature per system.


It’s possible to disable the service by adding the Global Dialplan variable EXTCONTACTLOOKUP=no.


Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) 


1 Premium license provides 2 hours of service per system. Need more hours? Add more Premium licenses.


Supported languages:

WMS 3.88: English (en / en-us)

WMS 4.0: English, Italian, French, German


Make sure the procedure for calling Feature Codes is present in the "Included Procedures" of the Dialplan used for outgoing calls of users (it is present by default in the "Included Procedures" of the "users" Dialplan).

This service is a real human-computer interaction. Thanks to Automatic speech recognition (ASR) callers can interact with the system using just their voices. Very helpful, especially for visually impaired users! Additionally, thanks to this feature, you can start calls from W-AIR Headset by pressing a button and saying the name of the person or the department you wish to call. 

Dial by name via ASR

Automated Attendant invites a caller to say the name of the person he or she is looking for. Callers can interact with the system using voice and decide whether to continue the search or to place a call.


<div class="container">
    <div class="video"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Supported language: en / en-us

Voicemail Transcription - Speech To Text


Starting from WMS 4.0 you can override the standard audio prompts used in "Dial by name" service via Global Dialplan variable "DIALBYNAME_PROMPT=custom string".


  • Go to WMS -> Dialplan -> General Settings -> Set dialplan variable
  • Insert the variable DIALBYNAME_PROMPT=custom string, for example: DIALBYNAME_PROMPT=Please say the first name of the person you wish to call

IVR via ASR with Directory

Speech recognition in Dialplan with Voice control. You can build your own IVR in Dialplan and enable the callers to call people and departments using just your voice.

Documentation: How to configure IVR via ASR with Directory in Dialplan

Demo video:

<iframe src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

Speech To Text (STT)

Voicemail transcription


1 Premium license provides 2 hours of service per system. Need more hours? Add more Premium licenses.


  • Feature is enabled by default (can be disabled in WMS Dialplan -> General Settings, “Convert Voicemails to text and send by email”)

  • Language of the caller party who recorded the message is used for transcription

  • Transcripts can be created correctly, only if the corresponding language package is installed on the PBX

  • Limitation: 1 min max for each audio file

Call recording & ubiconf recording transcription





*** Coming soonlater! ***

Saving transcripts of all the recorded calls allows for easy lookup of any important information.
