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CLASSOUND is a VoIP operator platform provided by Wildix.

Available starting from WMS version 4.01.44081.22 and higher.

Web page:

Created: May 2019


Table of Contents



Please follow the instruction described here: CLASSOUND Activation Request.

CLASSOUND Terms of license 

All services related to the same PBX have the same terms and expiration date.

E.g. if you have a PBX with yearly licenses, same terms are applied to CLASSOUND and/ or HWaaS ordered for this PBX. If you have a PBX with monthly licenses, same terms are applied to CLASSOUND and/ or HWaaS ordered for this PBX. This means, for example, you cannot have a monthly service (such as CLASSOUND or HWaaS) applied to a PBX which has yearly licenses.

Example: you activate a PBX with yearly licenses in May 2020: expiration will be in May 2021. You order CLASSOUND for that PBX in August 2020. In this case, CLASSOUND will expire the same date as the PBX: May 2021, and the cost will be prorated to the effective period (August 2020 - May 2021). The same rules apply to monthly and 5 year services. This means, the expiration date is always the same for the PBX and the services connected to that PBX.

Where to check the pricelist


Managing calls

Outgoing calls 


The caller ID number that you send on an outgoing call to CLASSOUND must be a DID number that you own (in other words, you cannot send just ANY NUMBER that you want to send). It is possible to hide the outgoing caller ID using Feature code "Hide number" 92.


IMPORTANT: use E.164 (international) number format for outgoing calls.


Universal Emergency services calls require the prior configuration. To do it contact our sales team.
If the service is not configured - calls will be answered with 503 Service Unavailable

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