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This Guide explains how to get the location of the nearest W-AIR Base Station in W-AIR Network in case of emergency alarm triggered on W-AIR Handset.

  • Min W-AIR firmware: 0501b5
  • Min WMS version: 5.02.20201207.3
  • W-AIR documentation: Link

Created: December 2020


Table of Contents



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  • Open the terminal from WMS and edit the call file template config located in the file /var/lib/callweaver/dialplan/alarm.template. 

Follow the prompts in the template to edit it:

Code Block
# Call file template. Supported values (should be in {{}}):
# ID1, ID2 ... - RFPI Addresses, 10 hex digits, in descending signals level order, check it on the web interface of a base, Home/Status page
# SHORTID1, SHORTID2 ... - 2 last digits of IDs
# LEVEL1, LEVEL2 ... - corresponding signal levels, optional
# EXTENSION - extention of alarmed device
# NAME - user name of alarmed device
# TYPE - type of alarm, one decimal digit, check it on the web interface of a base, Alarm page, Idx column
Channel: Local/alarms@alarm-wair
Callerid: "{{NAME}}" <{{EXTENSION}}>
WaitTime: 60
MaxRetries: 3
RetryTime: 30
Context: alarm-wair, specify Dialpan procedure used for managing W-AIR calls here
Extension: {{SHORTID1}}{{TYPE}}
Priority: 1
Setvar: base={{ID1}}
