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This document is intended only for the Wildix Partners participating in the x-bees closed beta.

Table of Contents

Admin Guide


  • WMS version  version 5.04 .20211022 or higher

Currently in BETA, use the repository rel50beta to install this version

  • The PBX must be on the x-bees licensing model on WMP

Currently, there is no procedure for switching a PBX from the UC- licensing model to the xb-licensing, so it can be only done by the Wildix team.

NOTE: access to Collaboration is also available for PBXs on the x-bees licensing plan!

Supported browsersbrowser:

  • ChromeSafari

Mobile apps

  • Android 9 or higher
  • iOS 13.3 or higher Note: usage of video meetings on the iOS mobile app requires Wizyconf mobile application v1.0.7 or higher

Chrome extension

Coming soon

Jira Legacy



Note: Currently the ability to create PBXs on WMP with x-bees licensing is disabled (coming soon).

Monthly/ Yearly licenses (3-year and 5-year commitment available)


Details on how to activate the service: CLASSOUND Activation Request.


  • Hubspot integration is coming soon
  • Analytics is coming soon


  1. Download the x-bees app from the Apple store or Google Play Market.
  2. Log in using your Microsoft 365 or Google SSO, or via email.
    • In case of log n via email, a verification code will be sent to your email address, you will need to enter it to log in
  3. For PBX users only: follow the steps below to connect to your Wildix PBX 
    1. Click on your user picture to open Settings
    2. Under Settings, click on Connect to Wildix PBX
    3. Enter the domain name of your PBX into the input field and click Connect


Currently, you can create contact-me links and add them to your website or anywhere on the web, in the following format:

Where is your email address.


  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings
  2. Under Settings, click Notifications
  3. Enable Notifications:
    • Note: here you can enable notifications in personal and group conversations. It is recommended to enable all of them, in case you decide to mute a particular conversation, you can do it from the settings of this particular conversation. Note, that Web and Mobile notifications are managed separately and there is no sync between them; to enable notifications on Mobile, consult this chapter

Note: audio notifications about new chats are currently not available. 

Call forwarding settings

To enable/ change notifications call forwarding settings:

  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings
  2. Under Settings, click Calls
  3. Set up call forwarding rules for every Call class:


You are invited to send us feedback, provide suggestions and report problems!

Under Status Support, tap Send Feedback



Important: participation in a video conference on the x-bees iOS mobile app requires the Wizyconf mobile app. Download the Wizyconf mobile app from the Apple store.

Start a call with all the participants: inside a conversation, click on the Video icon from the upper right-hand part of the screen


<iframe src="" title="x-bees by Wildix - UCC Summit Video" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" class="wistia_embed" name="wistia_embed" msallowfullscreen width="500" height="281"></iframe>
<script src="" async></script>

Salesperson story: Prospect reaching out through the website

As a sales representative, I want to be able to reach out to a prospect who contacted me via the website, even after they close the chat window. I have my quarterly and yearly goals, being able to always follow up with a prospect, helps me achieve better results in terms of sales. 

Flow example:

  1. Prospect reaches out to a salesperson through a contact-me button/ widget on the website 
  2. They need to authorize via Google/ Microsoft SSO or via email
  3. They are added to a conversation with the salesperson
  4. At this point, the salesperson can communicate with the prospect in real-time, using chat, voice and video 
  5. The salesperson can add more people to the conversation from both sides to have all the decision-makers in one place
  6. The salesperson can schedule a conference with all the participants in their calendars to discuss the deal
  7. The prospect can download the free x-bees mobile app 
  8. The salesperson can contact the prospect again at any time and be sure that the message will reach them via the app or via email notification
  9. The salesperson can add the prospect to the CRM and everyone in the company can keep track of all the interactions with this lead

Customer story: Contacting a company via their website 
