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Wildix Collaboration Mobile application provides access to Wildix Unified Communications from your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.

iOS App Version: 8.3.45865 

To check the current version, go to iOS changelog:

Updated: June 2021January 2022



To deactivate access to Presence and SIP server and to stop receiving notifications, you can set the status to Offline or log out from the app. Read the chapters Status
and Log out for more info.

Note: you can also receive push notifications to your Apple watch. Go to iPhone Watch -> Notifications -> Collaboration and enable receiving notifications. Show app on Apple watch.


NOTE: The latest Apple requirements for iOS 13 SDK change the behavior of push notifications compatibility. After upgrading the app at least to v. 8.0.45765, a user needs to open it to update a new push subscription. Otherwise, all non-call push notifications (chat message / missed call message) are sent to the app as a call containing own user caller name.

  • The sync between read chat messages in Collaboration and the app is currently disabled. In order to remove push notifications that were received for group chat messages, open the app (this behavior will be improved in the next releases)

  • After re-login to another PBX without correct logout from the previous PBX, a user can still receive push notifications (chat / call / missed call) from the previous PBX as a call containing own caller name, non-call push notifications (chat / call / missed call) are sent to the app as “Unknown” call

    • to disable these notifications, log in to a previous PBX and perform logout again. A warning notification with extension and PBX domain is displayed if this situation occurs 

    • to remove push subscriptions from PBX: access PBX via SSH as root and run the command push_remove EXT where EXT is user extension, for example, 123


Sync of enterprise phonebooks


Sync of enterprise phonebooks is not necessary: live search in PBX phonebooks is supported directly from Dialpad.

  1. Go to iPhone Settings -> Passwords & Accounts
  2. Select Add Account
  3. Select Other 

  4. Select Add CardDAV Account
  5. Enter the Server name (PBX domain name or IP), User name, Password and Description 


  1. Tap Dialpad
  2. Select the mode to place a call: 


    Note: It is possible to generate a call via another device registered to your account (WP phone, Vision/ SuperVision, W-AIR handset/ headset etc)

    • VoIP: place a call via the PBX (recommended in case you have fast and reliable Internet connection)
    • Callback: you receive a callback from the PBX via Mobile network (make sure your mobile number is indicated in Settings -> Personal)
    • Direct Call: place a call via Mobile network

    • Wildix devices registered to your account: select a device from the list - a call will be generated using the selected device

  3. Start entering user’s name or number / extension in the Search field to find a user / a contact 
    Tap on a user / a contact you


    Note: Starting from app version 8.6.55887 contact lookup is performed in the local iOS contacts, too.

  4. Tap on a user / a contact you wish to call. Select number/ extension to place a call


  • Hold Speakerphone button for 2 seconds to display the list of available audio modes
  • Select the needed mode from the list:
    • IPhone iPhone (Handset)
    • Speaker
    • Headphones 



Note: To use mobile continuity, make sure that Dialplan rule "pbxfeatures (Features codes dialplan)" is added to "Included procedures" of the Dialplan used for managing calls.


Note: in In case there is no need to monitor active calls or use Call continuity, you can switch back to Dialpad/ Function keys tabs.


All the colleagues added to your roster appear in Chat menu.

  1. Tap Chat
  2. Use the search Search field to find a user
  3. Tap a user and enter your message
  4. Tap Paper plane icon to send the message


  • Open a chat session with a user who sent an invitation 
  • Tap on the invitation
  • Select Join to access the conference via Wizyconf iOS App or Call to access the conference  in audio-only mode. Follow Wizyconf Videoconference User Guide for details

  • Tap Join to enter the conference:

  • Upon the first access via the App, you need to enter your name, the conference ID is already present:

  • When you are inside the conference, you can adjust different settings by tapping on Three dots icon: change camera/ microphone source, enable low bandwidth mode, enter tile view:


Add / remove participants


Note:  you You cannot remove yourself and a group chat manager.


In case there are several recordings of one call, they are displayed as a list.





Call groups

The Call groups tab provides support for Call Group notifications manager feature.


Documentation: How to set up the Call Group notifications manager feature

It displays all missed events in Call groups which you are monitoring. Via this tab, you can call a user back, mark the event as read, or delete it. 


  • Account: login window
  • Personal: contact details
    • E-mail

    • mobile number

  • Contact center: The feature lets you dynamically log into Call groups


    Note: The support starts from iOS app version 8.6.55887 and WMS version 5.04.20211108.3.

    • Sign-On: turn it on and select Call groups in the Groups section, to dynamically log into them

    • Unavailable on away / dnd: the option auto-pauses you in all Call groups when your status changes to Away/ DND

    • Groups: see the list of all Call groups, both the CGs you’ve been statically added to (the toggle is greyed, the status cannot be changed on this page, only via WMS), and the CGs you can choose to dynamically log into.
      For more information, see the documentation: Call distribution in Call groups - Admin Guide - Contact center

  • Features by call class (Internal, External, Blacklist, Whitelist)
    • Activate class: available for External / Blacklist / Whitelist (activates the class)

    • Call reject: if enabled, you do not receive incoming calls

    • Busy call forward: check the box and enter the number or VOICEMAIL, to enable call forwarding when busy on the phone

    • Unavailable call forward: check the box and enter the number or VOICEMAIL, to enable call forwarding in case of no answer

    • Force call forward: check the box and enter the number or VOICEMAIL, to enable the forwarding of all the incoming calls

    • Call waiting: enable to be able to receive more than one call at a time

    • Mobility with timeout: if enabled, you receive incoming calls to your mobile number after the specified timeout; mobile number must be configured in Collaboration Mobile app Settings -> Personal

  • Advanced:
    • Debug: if enabled, you can collect logs in case of crashes/ issues with the application. Detailed information can be found in Collecting logs from iOS apps chapter of Debugging of Mobile Apps Guide

    • Send (appears only after enabling Debug option): allows sending an email report with the collected logs to Wildix support

    • Use PBX LAN Address (enabled by default): the application connects to one of IP candidates: IP/domain and port 443 if a user did not specify a port on login page or IP/domain:port if user specifies a port on login page

    • Disable SIP mode: the feature is disabled by default. If enabled, call via Direct call is set as default mode for call generation. In this mode application de-registers from the PBX; missed call counter, new voicemail counter and status of Trunk, Timetable, Switch, 3 state switch, Call group Feature Keys stop working; chat and call control/ call generation via remote device continue to work 


      Limitation: If the option remains active for more than 30 days, PUSH subscription is removed for this extension. As a result, user is be able to receive chats. To reactive PUSH subscription, switch off and then switch on again Disable SIP mode.

    • Firewall bypass (beta): the feature is disabled by default. The app uses TURN server located on (used TCP port 443). If enabled in On mode, the app switches audio stream to PBX via external TURN server right away after call was started. If enabled in Auto mode, the app switches audio stream in case it is missing for 5 seconds after call was started 



      • firewall bypass works only on Сloud PBXs and on PBXs with 1-to-1 NAT

      • application supports only 1 call in case feature is enabled

      • switching to external TURN server during conversation in case audio stream was lost (in Auto mode)

    • Use WebRTC (available starting from WMS 5.0): the feature is disabled by default. If enabled, the connection between calls is established via WebRTC



      • WMS version 5.01.20200327.3 or higher
      • iOS version 10.0 or higher

      Limitations in WebRTC mode:

      • conference calls are not supported yet
      • G.729 codec is not supported

    • Ring on Apple Watch: if enabled, you receive incoming call notification on Apple Watch (Apple watch extension)
    • Chat image quality: select one of the image resolutions (High/ Standard/ Low) to compress or improve quality of pictures/ photos before sending

    • Save chat images to gallery (enabled by default): allows saving images from chat sessions on the phone by tapping on it

    • Convert heic to jpeg (enabled by default): allows converting of .heic images into jpeg

    • Give Feedback: provide customer feedback
  • About: Info about App version and developer




  • To display incoming call notification on Apple Watch, enable "Ring on Apple Watch" in Advanced settings 
  • To sync user status and active call information, it's necessary to open both Apple watch and iOS apps
  • Sync delay between Apple watch and iPhone may reach up to five seconds
  • In some cases Apple watch app may stop receiving data (status, user pic) from iOS app; to fix this issue, it is necessary to reboot Apple watch

Apple Watch extension allows you:

  • To see/ set status from watch (see full status, e.g. "away XXX until yy.zz.mmmm"/ set only away, dnd, online, offline) 

  • To view all active calls: 

  • To control all active calls: answer/ hang up/ put on hold:

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