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Feature codes are useful for IP phone users and web users as they provide such features as call recording, call intrusion, switch active device during a call and many others. They are also helpful for analog phone users as they allow performing call transfers, set up user status, call forwarding etc.

Feature codes can be changed, on this page you can find the default settings with examples.

WMS Version: 3.8788

Updated: February September 2018


Go to WMS -> Dialplan -> Feature Codes to access all the feature codes described in the Guide.


Refer to Hotel Feauture Codes Chapter of Hotel Integration Guide for detailed information.

Pre answer services


Note: Appliance of pre answer services can be allowed/ forbidden via ACLs "Can (cannot) use pre answer services" and "Can (cannot) use pre answer services & messages". Detailed information about ACL rules: ACL rules Admin Guide.

Pre answer services are options that allow users to interact with the system in case the dialed extension cannot answer a call right away.

When you call a user whose user's status is "on the phone", "busy", "not answering" or "unavailable", the system offers you to press * (asterisk) for options. The following options are available:

  • Voicemail 

The system announces "Press 1 for Voicemail" and you can leave a voicemail message for a user.

  • Intrusion 

Note: The option appears only if it is allowed via ACL "Can Intrusion". More details: ACL rules Admin Guide.

The system announces "Press 2 for Intrusion" and you are allowed  to intrude into a call. 

  • Intercom

Note: The option appears only if it is allowed ACL "Can Intercom". More details: ACL rules Admin Guide.

The system announces "Press 4 for Intercom" and you can talk to a user as user's phone automatically answers in speakerphone mode.

  • Call completion

Call completion is a feature that allows user to book a callback as soon as the dialed extension is available again. The system announces "Press 5 for Call completion" allowing the caller to leave a request to receive an automatic callback from the system as soon as the dialed extension finishes the call. After the caller answers the callback, the system automatically connects the user with the extension he/she was trying to reach.

In case the call was rejected by a user, Call completion request will be processed only after the dialed extension places another outgoing call and finishes it.

Pre answer services based on user's status

User is busy

When a user is busy, the following pre answer options are available:

  • Voicemail
  • Intercom
  • Call completion  

User is busy on the phone


Note: In case "Call waiting" option is enabled in user's call features (Collaboration -> Settings -> Features or WMS -> Users -> Edit preferences -> Features), pre answer services are not available.

When a user is busy on the phone, the following pre answer options are available:

  • Voicemail
  • Intrusion 
  • Intercom
  • Call completion

User is not answering


Note: In case "Call Forward No Answer" is enabled in user's call features (Collaboration -> Settings -> Features or WMS -> Users -> Edit preferences -> Features), pre answer services are not available.

When a user is not answering, the following pre answer options are available:

  • Voicemail
  • Intercom
  • Call completion

User is unavailable

When a user is unavailable, the following pre answer service is available:

  • Voicemail

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