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This Article describes how to automatically create an audio conference for several internal/ external phones using API Originate.

Created: September 2018


Table of Contents

Dialplan configuration

Create a new Dialplan procedure "conference"

To implement the initiation of an audio conference, create a separate Dialplan procedure "conference" (WMS -> Dialplan -> Dialplan rules -> click + to add a new procedure).


  • Set -> CURLOPT(userpwd) with admin credentials - admin credentials of  of your PBX to access API - allows sending API request
  • Custom application -> Set(message=${CURL(, channel=Local/448@users&exten=98123&context=users&context=users&callerid=\"Conference\" <98123>"&async=true)})\



Note: You can also add external numbers instead of extensions. The maximum amount of numbers depends on the license type (Per Service/ Per User) and the amount of concurrent calls over trunk (the information can be checked  in WMS -> Settings -> Tools and utilities -> Activation / Licenses).


callerid=\"Conference\" <98123>"&async=true - the standard formatting for the callerID (name and number). \ (backslash) before the " (quotation marks) serves to make read " " as quotes, and it's not a separator that calls upon a string. 

  • Jump to -> Associate the current procedure with the one that is used for making outgoing calls and add the Conference number (98123)


  • Jump to -> Associate the procedure with "conference" procedure
  • Go to voicemail -> select any number/ email address
  • Play sound -> select a sound to be played played to users


Note: In case you want to create a conference for external numbers, you need to add Dialplan application "Dial the trunk" after "Jump to".


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