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<div id="fb-root"></div>
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}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>



Make sure that these ports are open on your router / firewall in order to be able to access and use different Wildix services.

It is recommended to open incoming custom secure port or default 443 from outside on PBX.

Updated: June 2018



Cloud PBX

  • RTP port range on outgoing traffic towards Cloud PBX: 10000-59999


License activation / check

Access to external servers:


  • outgoing tcp:443
  • incoming: tcp:443 or custom secure port


Access to external servers:


  • outgoing tcp:443
  • incoming: tcp:443 or custom secure port

Remote support 

Access to external servers:


  • outgoing tcp:443
  • incoming: tcp:443 or custom secure port

SIP Trunks registration


  • 5060 UDP or another custom port specified in trunk settings

Devices sync with portal

Access to external servers:


  • outgoing: tcp:443
  • incoming: tcp:443 or custom secure port

Remote provisioning of devices


  • 443 TCP (default) or another external secure port (SIP-RTP page);
  • 5060 UDP – 5061 TCP for SIP registration
  • RTP: from 10000 to 15000 (SIP-RTP page)

Check open ports

Access to external servers:


  • outgoing: tcp:443
  • incoming: tcp:443 or custom secure port

Check External IP

Access to external servers:


  • outgoing: tcp:443, tcp:80

WMS network

  • Enable the port 443 TCP (or another custom secure port) and 1194 UDP on the side of the Server PBX

Access to WMS network nodes between PBXes.

  • incoming: udp 1194

Multicast paging uses

  • IP or IP (2N support)
  • Ports 9000-9009

SMS sending with remote GSM gateway

  • Open the port 7008 TCP on the side of the PBX


(Wildix Integration Service, used by CDR-View, Screen Sharing, Fax printer, Click2call from Windows, Popup App and other Wildix applications):

  • Make sure that FQDN “” is correctly resolved with the IP: by your DNS (on the user PC or on the router side)

Contact look up during incoming/outgoing calls

Access to external servers:


  • outgoing: tcp:443
  • incoming: tcp:443 or custom secure port

Collaboration and Web Phone

  • 443 TCP (default) or another external secure port (SIP-RTP page);
  • RTP: from 10000 to 15000 (SIP-RTP page)

Geolocation services

  • Maps in Collaboration are available only via .* domain

File / image sharing

Access to external servers(both PBX and Client):


  • outgoing: tcp:443
  • incoming: tcp:443 or custom secure port

Screen sharing

Access to external servers (both PBX and Client):


  • outgoing: tcp:443
  • incoming: tcp:443 or custom secure port


  • SIP:  443/TLS
  • XMPP: 443 TCP
  • Configuration: 443 TCP
  • Custom secure port (SIP-RTP page): add manually on the app login page: Account > Domain, example: (for iOS works only with public IP)
  • RTP: from 10000 to 15000 (SIP-RTP page)
  • For push notifications: 443 TLS to; PBX must be connected to the internet and be able to communicate with server
    • Android: a direct, unproxied connection to the Google Cloud Messaging server on these ports: TCP 5228; TCP 5229; TCP 5230 and TCP 443
    • iOS: a direct, unproxied connection to the Apple Push Notification servers from smartphone is necessary on ports TCP 5223; TCP 2195; TCP 2196; TCP 443
  • Important: use a transparent port forwarding scheme between the external port on the firewall and the external custom secure port on the PBX, example: 4443 – 4443


Access to external server for upgrade of firmware/ applications:


WebRTC Kite service

Access to external servers:


  • outgoing: tcp:443, tcp:5061, udp:10000-15000
  • incoming: tcp:443 or custom secure port, udp:10000-15000

WebRTC ubiconf videoconference

Access to external servers (both PBX and Client):


  • outgoing: tcp:443, udp: 10000-15000
  • incoming: tcp:443 or custom secure port

Text to speech

Access to external servers (both PBX):


  • outgoing: tcp:443
  • incoming: tcp:443 or custom secure port

Zabbix monitoring

  • 8099 TCP for
  • 10050 TCP for local Zabbix
