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When you configure the hotel features of a PBX one important propriety of an "extension" (type "room") is the variable "allowcalls/EXT" where is reflected the status of the room:

  • check-in (with guests) = 1
  • check-out (without guests) = 0

In the dialplan of outgoing calls for the room, if needed, you can check the status and allow/block the calls in base of the status.

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This Admin Guide explains how to block outgoing calls from vacant hotel rooms via Dialplan configuration.

WMS Version: 3.87

Created: February 2018


Table of Contents


In case you are using Hotel Manager interface available with Wildix WebAPI library, it can be useful to block outgoing calls from vacant rooms via Dialplan.

In this Dialplan configuration, the system checks the room state (Occupied/ Vacant) and based on it, manages the outgoing calls according to the added matches.

Dialplan configuration

To configure the Dialplan procedure for blocking/ alowing outgoing calls, the variable "${DB(allowcalls/${CALLERID(num)})}" is applied, where "allowcalls/EXT" reflects the state of the room according to the Database (DB) value:

  • Occupied (checked in) = 1

  • Vacant (checked out) = 0

Here is the example of Dialplan configuration:

  • 0. // this pattern is used for placing external calls
    • Set - ALLOWED - ${DB(allowcalls/${CALLERID(num)})}  // With the application Set we assign to the temporary local variable called ALLOWED the value inside the DB (check-checked in / check-checked out)
    • Custom application - GotoIf($["${ALLOWED}" != "1"]?blocked,1) // The dialplan will jump jumps to the match "blocked" if the database value is 0 , will go (checked out), otherwise if the value is 1 (checked in) it proceeds to the next application is the value is 1
    • Trunk group - ISDN // Use the ISDN lines are used to place the outgoing call (if the value is 1 - checked in)
  • 01XX // this pattern is used for calling emergency services
    • Trunk group - ISDN // Use the ISDN lines are used to place the an outgoing call when in case an emergency number is called. Here In this case there is no check of check-room status (checked in / check-checked out) to leave open the allow calls to this kind of services in all the cases
  • 9 // this number is used to call reception
    • Dial the phone - 700 // Which is the reception desk
    • . No check of room status is performed.
  • blocked // this match is added to process outgoing calls in case room status is checked out (DB value 0) 
    • Play sound - 00000/disabilitato // We play Play a warning message if someone try tries to place an outgoing calls but call while the room status of the room is check-out (DB value 0)


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