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The Guide provides information about ways to implement import of contacts and users from external databases/ servers.

WMS Version: 3.87

Updated: February 2018


Table of Contents

General info


  • Backend: select AD
  • Hostname: IP address or domain name of remote server
  • Port: specify the port (389 by default)
  • User: user with the rights to access to the server
  • Password: password of user to access to the server
  • Base DN: Distinguished Name of the base depends on customer’s database structure (e.g. dc=wildix,dc=local)
  • Sign-on (import of users): enable the option to allow sign-on with AD credentials credentials for imported users. If the option is enabled,  "Set Password" feature for Collaboration for all users is not possible
  • Allow only single Sign-on (import of users): enable the option to allow only single sign-on. If the option is enabled, login of users to Collaboration with WEB password is not possible possible


  • LoginuserPrincipalNamesAMAccountName (“Login” field in WMS -> Users)


    Note: When enabling "Allow only single sign-on", you can import users as:

    • userPrincipalName as LOGIN and log in on PBX via: username@domain
    ) / sAMAccountName (
    • sAMAccountName as LOGIN and log in on PBX via: domain\username
    , “Login” field in WMS -> Users)

    LOGIN must be the same as stored in local LDAP.

  • Extension: telephoneNumber
  • Office: ipPhone
  • Department: department
  • Disable “Language”, “WEB password” and “SIP password” as they are not used


  • Backend: select Lotus Domino
  • Port: port for connection to the server
  • Hostname: IP address or domain name of remote server
  • User: user with the rights to access to the server
  • Password: password of user to access to the server
  • Sign-on (import of users): enable the option to allow sign-on with Lotus Domino credentials credentials for imported users
  • Allow only single Sign-on (import of users): enable the option to allow only single sign-on with Lotus Domino credentials If the option is enabled, login of users to Collaboration with WEB password is not possible

Default map:

  • Full Name: cn
  • Login: userPrincipalName
  • Extension: ipPhone
  • Fax: facsimileTelephoneNumber
  • Office: telephoneNumber
  • Email: mail
  • Mobile: mobile
  • Language: preferredLanguage
  • Department: ou

  • WEB password: userPassword

  • SIP password: wuserPasswordSip


Click Available fields to see a drop-down list with all available fields which can be imported.

Map supported fields:

  • businessPhones
  • displayName
  • mail
  • givenName
  • jobTitle
  • mobilePhone
  • officeLocation
  • preferredLanguage
  • surname
  • userPrincipalName
  • department


Click Available fields to see a drop-down list with all available fields which can be imported.


  • Check off only those fields that can be imported from Google contacts


Click Available fields to see a drop-down list with all available fields which can be imported.


  • Check off only those fields that can be imported from Exchange Server
