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Feature codes are useful for IP phone users and web users as they provide such features as call recording, call intrusion, switch active device during a call and many others. They are also helpful for analog phone users as they allow performing call transfers, set up user status, call forwarding etc. Feature codes can be changed, on this page you can find the default settings with examples.

Pre answer services allow users to interact with the system in case the dialed extension cannot answer a call right away.

WMS Version: 3.88/ 4.01

Updated: April 2019


Go to WMS -> Dialplan -> Feature Codes to access all the feature codes described in the Guide.


Pickup up a ringing call of a call group:

  • Enter the string 88*5979*<call_group_ID> or 8859<call8879<call_group_ID>, then send a call

Example: enter the string 88*5979*10 or 885910 and send a call, where “59” “79” is “Call group” feature code, “10” is the call group ID; 


Note: "Call group" Feature Code on new systems is 79old systems is 59.

Pickup with Call groups and Pickup groups

Call groups and Pickup groups feature added in WMS version 4.01.44093.23 allows the system administrator to configure custom groups in which a user can be present as call agent (Call groups) or in which a user can pick up calls (Pickup groups). More about this feature: Call and Pickup Groups.

When at least one value is present for the user in WMS → Users → Edit preferences → Settings → Call groups or Pickup groups, the following behavior is applied for the feature code Pickup (88):


In this scenario Call group name must be specified in the preferences of one or more users (e.g. "sales"), and the same value ("sales") must be present in the preferences of the user who picks up the call of this Call group.

Pick up a random ringing call in one of the Call groups that user can pick up for:

  • Call 88

Example: one or more users have the value "sales" specified in the field "Call groups" in their user preferences in WMS; one or more users have the value "support" specified in the field "Call groups" in their user preferences in WMS; user 100 has the value "sales" and "support" specified in the field "Pickup groups" in his or her user preferences in WMS. By calling 88 user 100 can pick up a random ringing call in "sales" or "support" group. 

Pick up a random ringing call in a specific Call group that user can pick up for:

  • Enter the string 88<call_group_name>, then send a call (where <call_group_name> is the name specified in the preferences of one or more users in WMS as "Call group", and specified in the preferences of the user who picks up as "Pickup group")

Example: one or more users have the value "sales" specified in the field "Call groups" in their user preferences in WMS; one or more users have the value "support" specified in the field "Call groups" in their user preferences in WMS; user 100 has the value "sales" and "support" specified in the field "Pickup groups" in his or her user preferences in WMS. By calling 88sales, user 100 can pick up a random ringing call in "sales" group. By calling 88support, user can pick up a random ringing call in "support" group.  

Pick up a ringing call in the same or in another ACL group:

Not possible when using Call groups and Pickup groups feature.

Pickup up a ringing call of a call group:

Works in the same way, not depending on Call groups and Pickup groups.


Do not mix up Call groups specified in WMS → Users → Edit preferences → Settings → Call groups with Call groups (queues) configured in WMS → Dialplan → Call groups. Here is the scenario allowing a user to pick up a ringing call of a Call group (queue) configured in Dialplan → Call groups:

  • Enter the string 88*79*<call_group_ID> or 8879<call_group_ID>, then send a call

Example: enter the string 88*79*10 or 885910 and send a call, where “79” is “Call group” feature code, “10” is the call group ID;

Pick up a ringing call of another user:

Works in the same way, not depending on Call groups and Pickup groups:

  • Enter the string 88<extension>, then send a call

Example: enter the string 88100 and send a call, where “100” is the extension number of user who has a ringing call.


Default code: *5
Description: Code to switch a call to another device
Usage: Press *5 during a call on one of the devices registered to your account and continue the call on that device.
