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This manual explains how to log in and to configure WSG24POE via administrator web interface of the switch.

Version created: June 2016

Version updated: December 2017June 2018



Connect devices to the ports of the Switch using a network cable (check the datasheet for more information). 1-24 ports have power supply function (see the datasheet for the max power output)



The home page displays the following information:


Configuration menu (on the left)


CPU and memory info (on the top)

How to configure Voice and Data Vlans


Firmware version: V103SP6D180529

Upgrade the switch

  1. Download the firmware from Google Drive: 
  2. Access the web interface of the switch, Menu System-> System Update to upgrade the switch

Connection Scenario

  • Phones and PCs are connected to the switch
  • LAN port of the PBX is connected to the switch (WAN port of the PBX is connected to WAN switch, for external access)
  • Phones and Wildix devices as well as LAN PBX port get the IP from the Switch, in our example, from the pool 192.168.1/24
  • PCs get IP from the external DHCP server, reachable by the switch via port 1, in our example,

Create new VLAN ID

  1. Go to VLAN Management → Vlan Config → Vlan Settings
  2. You have Vlan 1 created by default in this menu
  3. Create Vlan 2 and enable it for all the ports excluding the port that you used to connect the switch to PC

Create Voice VLAN

  1. Go to VLAN Management → Voice Vlan → Voice VLAN Config
  2. Set the flag for Voice VLAN Enable and set Voice VLAN ID
  3. Go to the tab Voice VLAN Port Config and enable VLAN on ports all the ports excluding the one you used to connect your PC 
  4. Disable VLAN on the port on which the external DCHP server is supposed to be reachable (port 1 in our example)

Configure the Management VLAN

  1. Go to System → Config 
  2. Make sure the switch time settings are correct in System Time section
  3. The Management Vlan is already configured on Vlan1 by default (
  4. Press Set Management VLAN
  5. Set:
    • Management VLAN: 2 (Voice VLAN ID)
    • Management IP: (Management IP of the switch on Vlan2)
    • Subnet mask: 
    • Default gateway:
  6. Press Save


Note: The IP pool of DHCP server running on Vlan2 must be on the same network as the Management IP 2 (in our example,

In our example we have also changed Management VLAN1:


Note: after changing Management VLAN 1, you will lose access to the switch and you will have to reconnect using the new IP

Set Hybrid Ports

  1. Go to VLAN Management → Vlan Config → Hybrid Port Settings 
  2. Remove VLAN TAG: 1-2 for ports 2-26:

Enable DHCP Server

  1. Go to DHCPServer → Dhcp Config and enable the option (move the switch in ON position)
  2. Go to the tab Pool Config to configure the pool of IP addresses released by DHCP server

In our example the Pool ID 2 is associated to Vlan 2 and is used to assign IP addresses from the following range: - (external DHCP server for PC will be connected to port 1):

External DHCP 


To disable Voice VLANs and internal DHCP server, and to enable only the external DHCP to release IP addresses, you have to disable Voice Vlan in Vlan Management → Voice VLAN

To enable external DHCP to release IP addresses to the PC network, we have to enable the Trusted IP port, to which the DHCP server is connected.

Go to Security → Firewall → Dhcp Trusted Port to add the trusted port:

To enable external DHCP server to release IP addresses to the PC network, we have to enable the snooping Vlan on Vlan1, where the DCHP server is connected. 

Go to the tab Other configuration → Dhcp Snooping Vlan and add the Vlan1:


Going back to VLAN Management → Vlan Config menu, you should see the following configuration:

  • Wildix Phones connected to any ports of the Switch receive IP address from Vlan 2 pool
  • PCs connected to Switch ports receive IP from Vlan 1 pool
  • Wildix Phones connected to any ports and PCs connected to PC port of the phone: phone gets IP on Vlan 2, PC gets IP on Vlan 1


Menu description and configuration


The home page displays the following information:

  • Configuration menu (at the bottom)

  • Software and Hardware Versions (on the top)

  • Status of ports

Quickly Set


Change the switch login password (use the IP address set up on the previous step to log in):


PORT Management


  • Basic Config

  • Port Aggregation

  • Port Mirroring

  • Port Limit

  • Storm Control

  • Port Isolation

  • Port Information

Basic Config

Set up:

  • Port speedSpeed

  • Port status

  • Working modeStatus

  • Duplex Mode

  • Flow controlControl

  • Cross line orderMega frame Type Detection

Configuration example:

Port Aggregation

  • Select Load Balancing method
  • Expand the port bandwidth or achieve the bandwidth of the redundancy backup

Configuration example:

Set the ports 9-10 for aggregation of port 1, the aggregation port 1 can build switch links if connected to another switch aggregation port 1:

Port Mirroring

  • Open port mirror feature


Set a mirror group for port 3 regulatory port 4, 5, 6 on and out flow conditions:

Port Limit

Set up:

  • Input speed limitSpeed Limit

  • Output speed limitSpeed Limit

1Mbit/s=1000Kbit/s=1000/8KB/s=125KB/s (The theoretical rate of 1M bandwidth is 125KB/s)


Storm Control

  • Set suppression levellimits

Configuration example

Set up on port 20 broadcast suppression value limit is set to 200pps, the multicast suppression value limit - to 400pps, the unicast suppression value limit - to 350pps.

Port Isolation


Ports that have been added to the aggregate port aren't also capable of being a destination port and source port. Destination port and source port cannot be the same.

Configuration example

Port Information

VLAN Management


  • Vlan Config
  • Voice VLAN

Vlan Config


  • VLAN settingSettings

  • Access Port Settings

  • Trunk -port settingPort Setting

  • Hybrid -port settingPort Settings



  • Create VLANs and set the port to the VLAN (port default state for the access mode)


  • System Config

  • System Update

  • Config Management

  • Config Save

  • Administrator Privileges

  • Info CollectDebug Log

System config

  • System settings

  • System restart

  • Password change

  • Ssh login

  • Telnet login

  • System log


“Save settings” applies the current configuration and deletes the default configuration.


User management

  • Manage users and privileges

Only admin can access this page.


Ordinary users can only access the system home page.


Debug Log

  • Collect information

The procedure can take some time.
