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This guide explains how to import contacts and users from external databases / servers into a Wildix PBX.

WMS Version: 3.88/ 4.01

Updated: February 2018


Table of Contents

General info


  • Example: SELECT ${MAP} FROM `export_csv_user_10000` WHERE `type`="user" 
  • Example for query for import of of contacts from SAP Business One: select '' as empty, OCRD.CardCode, CardName, Name, Tel1, OCPR.Fax, Cellolar, E_mailL, Title from OCRD INNER JOIN OCPR ON OCRD.cardcode = OCPR.cardcode where cardtype = 'S' (More information on SAP B1 integration:

In this example only those fields from the “Map” section will be imported, which are present in “export_csv_user_10000” table and only for contacts whose type is “user”.



Note: It is also possible to enable connection to MSSQL instance.

Requirement: SQL Server browser must be running on MSSQL host. Please check the Microsoft documentation for detailed information on SQL browser.

Backend settings:

  • Hostname: specify MSSQL instance in the form of ip_adress_of_SQL_server\instance_name. For example,\wildixdb
  • Port: there is no need to specify the port when connecting to MSSQL instance. By default MSSQL itself listens on TCP port number 1433, but for instances the TCP port is dynamically configured
  • User and Password: enter the credentials to access to MSSQL Server
  • Database name: the name of database to be imported
  • Timeout: specify connection timeout

Image Modified


  • Check off the field that can be imported from MSSQL instance


  • Use the field to create a special select query if needed


Click Available fields to see a drop-down list with all available fields which can be imported.

Map supported fields:

  • businessPhones
  • displayName
  • mail
  • givenName
  • jobTitle
  • mobilePhone
  • officeLocation
  • preferredLanguage
  • surname
  • userPrincipalName
  • department


Click Available fields to see a drop-down list with all available fields which can be imported.


  • Check off only those fields that can be imported from Google contacts


Integration with Infusionsoft:

Chrome Extension "Wildix integration to Infusionsoft":

Import of Infusionsoft contacts


Click Available fields to see a drop-down list with all available fields which can be imported.


  • Check off only those fields that can be imported from Exchange Server


Read the document: Zoho CRM integration with Wildix PBX.



contacts lookup and call generation

Import of Outlook contacts cannot be done via WMS.


It is also possible to import Outlook contacts using an external Wildix utility. You can download it from Google Drive (for your Windows system type: 32 or 64 bit): LINK

macOS contacts lookup and call generation 


  • WMS version starting from 4.01.43713.08
  • WIService version starting from 2.9.9
  • MacOS starting from High Sierra (10.13.2)

In order to allow access to Mac OS Contacts, you need to add WIService to your your laptop's permissions:

  •  Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy ->  Contacts:

If all the requirements are met, the integration with Mac OS contacts is enabled automatically.
It allows you:
  • To call users from your Mac OS Contacts: find a contact via Collaboration Search field)
  • To view/ edit a contact: click Show contact:
  • To save the changes: click Apply

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