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This document helps you understand Wildix licensing and explains how to activate a Wildix Per User PBX (Hardware, Virtual, Cloud).

Date: June 2018

Updated: December 2019February 2020



Understanding Per User Licensing


Details on each user profile:

Per User licensing is available for any PBX type:


  • Connect to WMP using your credentials

  • You are now under Go to Customers tab; to create a new PBX, you first need to add a customer (if it does not exist yet); click Add:

  • Create a new customer (company): fill in the fields and click Save:

  • You need to create at least one contact: fill in the fields and click Add (License field is optional):

  • Now you can proceed with adding a new PBX: go to PBXs tab:


    • Model: select WPBX-CLOUD for Cloud / WPBX-VM/HW for Virtual or Hardware

    • Region (only for Cloud PBX): select the datacenter region

    • Name: PBX domain name by which your PBX is accessible via the browser; in the example provided below, the PBX can be accessed by URL

    • Expire: select the recurring billing period: monthly / yearly / lifetime (lifetime is not available for Cloud PBX)

    • PBX-BASIC / UC-Essential / UC-Business / UC-Premium / UC-Wizyconf / PBX-Service: add the number of users of each profile (more about each profile:

    • Storage size (only for Cloud PBX): increase Cloud instance storage size. Refer to this chapter for more details

  • Click Add and then Ok to confirm the subscription fee; your PBX has been added:


  • Connect to PBX via HTTPS to access WMS using credentials admin : wildix

  • Change admin user password:

    • Select admin user and click Set passwords

    • Generate or create a new WEB password, click Ok

  • Upgrade WMS to the latest stable release

    • go to WMS Settings -> Tools and utilities -> Upgrade

    • In case there is a new version available, click Perform Upgrade 

  • Copy PBX key from WMP:


    Only for Virtual and Hardware PBXs. Cloud PBXs are activated automatically (wait for approximately 3 minutes after completing Step 1).

    • go to Customers tab, select your company, then select the PBX that you have created (Step 1)

    • click the Copy icon (Copy PBX key to clipboard):


  • Basic:
    • unattended phones
    • fax machines
    • door phones
    • hotel rooms
    • users who need only telephony features without chat and presence
  • Essential:
    • users who need access to Collaboration
    • users who need access to Wildix mobile apps
    • users who need presence and chat features on supported Wildix devices
  • Business:
    • users who need to be able to create ubiconf conference rooms
    • users who need to be contacted via Kite
    • users who use WebAPI and TAPI integrations
  • Premium:
    • one license per system is enough for WBI services (2 hours of service per one licensesystem is enough for WBI services (2 hours of service per one license). Note: For Voicemail Transcription to email, one license is necessary for each user who needs access to it (starting from WMS v. 4.03.44842.05)
    • one license is enough for Fias and ESPA monitor integrations
    • one license is necessary for each user who needs access to CDR-View
    • one license is necessary for each user who needs access to Contact center feature in Collaboration (interactive queues)
  • Wizyconf
    • one license per 1 Wizyconf web conference to activate Wizyconf user and participate in videoconferences
  • Service (free of charge, doesn't support SIP registration, any login permissions (Collaboration/ WMS)
    • park orbits 
    • virtual users created for call forwarding purposes (without login to Collaboration/ any device) in Dialplan
    • virtual users used for Identities feature (without login to Collaboration/ any device) to replace a real user's number

For more details, please refer to the page

Upgrade instruction in case of WMS network



Currently not all restrictions for each license type are fully implemented. Full implementation of restrictions, as well as hard enforcement of licensing is planned in March 2020.

You can assign the correct type of license to each user in WMS -> Users:

  1. Select one or multiple users and click Edit
  2. Scroll down to the field License type and select the type of the License type from the drop-down list:

  3. Click Ok to apply the changes


To move Per User subscription-based (1 month/ 1 year/ 5 years) PBX to Cloud, you need to access WMP where you have a button that allows creating a new Cloud instance instead of your current PBX. The licenses active on this PBX and the PBX serial will be moved to the new Cloud instance. 


Important notes:

  • PBX will not be reachable for up to 20 minutes, during which the DNS record will be updated (the migration time depends on the migrated DB size), remember to update/remove any local DNS proxies; phones/media gateways must use the DNS name for provisioning or they will not switch automatically to the Cloud PBX


  • The old PBX will stop working as soon as the licence will be synced 


  1. Access WMP using your credentials
  2. Select your company and your customer
  3. Click Options button (Three dots) and select Edit
  4. Click Advanced features
  5. Click Migrate to new WCloud PBX

Step 2 - Run the script on old PBX to move all the data 


Min supported WMS version (make sure your PBX is updated to this version before proceeding):

  • WMS 3.88: 3.88.44723.49
  • WMS 4.x: 4.03.44693.48


  1. Access WMS, Open Terminal on the PBX, select the option 11 (Shell), access as root (su - wildix)
  2. Run the command: migrate2cloud 

    Code Block

More a Per-Service or a LifeTime PBX to Cloud 


Create a new Cloud PBX as described in chapter Add a new Per User PBX on WMP.

Step 2 - Run the script on old PBX to move all the data 

  1. Access WMS, Open Terminal on the PBX, select the option 11 (Shell), access as root (su - wildix)
  2. Run the command: 

    Code Block
    migrate2cloud -s <serial of cloud

You will be prompted to enter the password of your new cloud PBX. During the script execution you will be prompted to confirm, which data you would like to be moved. As soon as the script finishes its execution, the data will be moved and you will be able to access the Cloud PBX using the password of your old PBX. 

Enable SSH port on Cloud PBXs (optional) 

Direct access to SSH port on Cloud PBXs is blocked for security reasons. Now it’s up to you to temporarily enable/ disable SSH port 2222 via WMP:



Note: after you click Save, an automated email is sent to a corresponding Wildix Administration manager who must manually apply this change; please mind that the WMS Network License sharing is activated during working hours.

Periodic License Check

As stated here:, all Virtual and Hardware systems update their license information daily connecting via port 443 to:

  • – WMS version lower than 3.86

  • – starting from WMS version 3.86

(this doesn’t apply to Cloud systems)


  • Confirm the operation by clicking Yes


Note: The change will be applied at 1AM.


Important: After After you have increased the storage size, it will not be possible to decrease it.

Increase / decrease the amount of Per User accounts

It is possible to increase/ decrease the number of accounts any time.       

  • Go to WMP -> Customers
  • Select your company and customer

  • Select the PBX -> click Edit

  • Add/ remove the remove the number of users of a required profile
  • Click Save and Ok to confirm the operation


Limitation: Lifetime licenses cannot be decreased.  The operation of decreasing a number of accounts  must be approved by Wildix: in this case a request is sent to the Wildix Manager for a review. Partner is notified via email after the request has been approved.

Video Tutorials

Activation of Per User PBX (Hardware, Virtual)

Video tutorial - Starting from 2:07 (2m07s)

<div class="container">
    <div class="video"><script src="" async></script><script src="" async></script><div class="wistia_embed wistia_async_04u4ifq6np" style="height:315px;width:560px">&nbsp;</div></div>


WMP Intro Video

Video tutorial:

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    <div class="video">
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
