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This document describes Wildix Management Portal Dashboards.

Updated: September November 2021



Here you can find device/ service/ DIDs for each Reseller/ End-User/ a particular PBX. Also, you can check PBX statuses. By default, only Active PBXs are shown, but you can search terminated ones as well (just select another value). In addition, you can view the current PBX WMS version as well as the information for the particular DID.

  • View expiration dates of 1 and 5-year licences: click on the Licences Expirations Calendar tab to open the report

Here you can see a timeline and a table with expiration dates of 1 and 5-year licences, which includes information about PBX DNS, expiry date and days left to expiry, subscription (in months), PBXs under “Commitment”, and quantity of PBXs by end-users.  

In the top right corner of the timeline, you can switch between the count of services or PBXs, using the Switch to Services and Switch to PBXs buttons correspondingly.

  • Export data

You can export all the mentioned above reports:


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