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This document describes how to apply your x-bees Kite email signature

Created: March 2022


Table of Contents

How to apply signature on Gmail


  1. Click Copy to clipboard to select the content of your signature and copy it to clipboard
  2. Open Outlook, go File -> Options (may vary depending on Outlook version)
  3. Go to Mail menu and click on Signatures

  4. The window of mail Signatures opens, click on New and give a title to your signature (for instance, Kite).
  5. Select the signature and paste the content copied at step 3 into the box "Edit signature" below. Click Ok to apply.
    When you create a new email, Kite email signature should be automatically applied (in case you are using several signatures, select Kite signature)

How to apply signature on Apple Mail

  1. Click Copy to clipboard to select the content of your signature and copy it to clipboard
  2. Go to Apple Mail -> Preferences -> Signatures, select Google and click  + to create a new signature
  3. Give your signature a name and make sure to disable the option Always match my default message font
  4. Delete the content and paste the new signature (Cmd+A, Cmd+V on macOS or Ctrl+Shift+A, Ctrl+Shift+V on Windows)

When you create a new email, Kite signature must be applied (in case you are using several signatures, make sure to select the Kite one)

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