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CountryRequired Documents

Scan of the business owner's national ID


Company registration documents


Company registration documents

  • Scan of the business owner's national ID
  • Company registration documents

    Limitation: Local calls for Turkish DIDs are not supported. 


Letter of Intent (LOI)

Note: For UAE, any address worldwide is accepted. 

Other countries

Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Send us the order via the form; at a certain step you will have the option to select "Rest of the World" (for Porting only or for NEW DID only), we will get in touch with you in case any additional documents will be neededOnly address in the requested area is required.

For USA/ Canada, you need to provide address for 911 service activation for USA/ Canada located End-users.
