Versions Compared


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Enter the IP addresses you want to add to the trusted list.



  • Allowed values are: valid IP addresses (subnets are not allowed)
  • Maximum number of IP addresses that can be added: 32


Enable Allow TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 option. To ensure better security, Wildix has implemented TLS 1.2, enforcing it by default for newly created systems in WMS 5.03 and right after PBX reset. 


  • Send a copy of sent and received faxes and sent SMS to this e-mail: this option allows you to enter an email address to which all the incoming and outgoing faxes are saved
  • Standard SMS header: allows you to enter the header for SMS messages sent by PBX
  • Remote PBX (for SMS sending): allows you to select the PBX in WMS Network to send SMS messages
  • Fax delivery notification: allows you to enable fax delivery confirmation notification
  • Curl SMS send enabled: enable this option for SMS sending via HTTP request without registering GSM media gateway


    Note: Curl SMS has a higher priority compared to GSM gateway. If the parameter is unavailable or incorrectly configured (incorrect login, password or wrong API request), then the message will be sent via GSM gateway.

  • Curl SMS send: the feature allows sending SMS via CURL request using third-party service or another PBX with a configured GSM trunk (using SMS API). 


    Note: In case SMS sent via CURL contains the following characters, they are replaced with a space:  ' (single quote), “ (double quotes), \ (backslash), / (slash).

    To send SMS via third-party service, use the list of of curl command examples and possible variables (click ? button to see the list). For example, curl –request POST \ --url \ d "user=user_name&psw=user_pass&num=(TO_NUMBER)&body={MESSAGE}&idserivce=4&from={FROM_NUMBER}"

    To send SMS via another PBX with a configured GSM trunk, you can use the following request: curl -k -X POST -u user:password --url "http://<PBX_IP_Address>/api/v1/originate/sms" --data-urlencode "number={TO_NUMBER}" --data-urlencode "message={MESSAGE}", where <PBX_IP_Address> is IP address of PBX with a configured GSM trunk
