Assign Devices to Customer PBX via Salesforce Partner Community

This guide describes how to assign devices (W-AIR bases, media gateways, phones) to a Customer via Salesforce Partner Community. 

Created: October 2024

Other documentation: 



Wildix Partner can assign devices (W-AIR bases, media gateways, phones) to the customer’s (or to the lead’s) PBX via Salesforce Partner Community.


The option is supported for devices, that were previously ordered via Salesforce Partner Community to stock

Assign devices from your Stock

To assign devices, you need to create a Quote and confirm Order for the necessary Customer.

Select a Project you want to generate a Quote for and click Create Quote button:

Note: In case you need to assign devices to an already active Customer, use the Change Order procedure. Click Change Order and choose Account Name (for more details, see Salesforce Partner Community Documentation , "Change Order" section)

A new project is automatically created, with "Change Order" added to the project title. Click Create Quote:

When filling out Quote details (see detailed instructions in Salesforce Partner Community Guide), after choosing license type in License Bundle section, select the number of users for the chosen license type and bundle add-ons if required:

Bundle add-ons:

    • Phones (Start, WorkForce, Vision, SuperVision, etc.)
    • Headsets (DuoLED, MonoLED, DuoLED-BT, MonoLED-BT, etc.)
    • W-AIR (WAIR-Basic, WAIR-Office, WAIR-LifeSaver, etc.) 

Notes: Quantity of each item corresponds to the number of users in Bundle section. If you want the quantity of devices to be different from the number of licenses in the bundle, you can add the necessary items via the Additional Items section.

To add additional items, make sure to choose Additional Items option in General Questions -> Additional Configuration field:

In Additional Items section, select the necessary devices:

  1. Implementation Date: select the activation date for the selected additional items
  2. Choose Category: Phones, Headsets, W-AIR, Networking, Conference, Media gateways, or Power supplies
  3. HWaaS or CAPEX: select if you want to order the product as HWaaS or CAPEX
  4. Product: select the necessary product of the chosen category
  5. Quantity: indicate the number of items

To add other additional items, just click the + (Add) button and repeat the steps:

After you fill out the Quote and are ready to save it, click Save to draft(1) -> Save & Make Primary(2):

Then, create Order from the Quote (see Salesforce Partner Community Guide for detailed instructions) and proceed with Order confirmation. Click Confirm Order on the Order page:

On the screen named "Select items that should be delivered from Wildix", you can see the list of ordered items. By default, the checkboxes is enabled. Disable the checkboxes next to the items, that should be delivered from your Stock and assigned to the Customer PBX:

Note: Only CAPEX items are displayed. 

If you uncheck the items, the deselected items will not be processed by Wildix. 

Proceed with Order confirmation (you can see the detailed instructions in the document Salesforce Partner Community Guide.