Customer Billing via Salesforce Partner Community on Behalf of a Partner

This Documentation describes how to enable the option of billing Customer via Salesforce Partner Community on Partner behalf. 

Created: August 2024



Salesforce Partner Community provides possibility to enable the option of billing Customer by Wildix on behalf of a Partner.

Note: Currently, this option is available for US Partners only. 

How to enable 

1. Open the necessary Account in Salesforce Partner Community

2. In the Account Information section navigate to the option Billing on Behalf and click Edit (pencil icon):

3. Enable the checkbox Billing on Behalf and press Save:

Note: The option is available for US Partners only. 

Once enabled, invoices to the Customer are sent via Salesforce Partner Community. You can find invoices in the relevant section on the Account page:

By clicking on the invoice, you get to the Invoice page which includes such invoice details as date, due date, amount, VAT, total amount, status, etc.:

When the invoice is paid by Customer, you can find payment details in the Payment section:

Clicking on the payment, the relevant Payment page opens with information about payment method used, receipt date, balance, payment amount, etc.: