Customer Billing via Salesforce Partner Community on Behalf of a Partner

Customer Billing via Salesforce Partner Community on Behalf of a Partner

This Documentation describes how to enable the option of billing Customer via Salesforce Partner Community on Partner behalf. 

Created: August 2024

Updated: January 2025

Permalink: https://wildix.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYDQKw


There is possibility to enable the option of billing Customer via Salesforce Partner Community on behalf of a Partner. The option automates billing, manages subscriptions and invoices, and streamlines the overall invoicing cycle.

Note: Currently, this option is available for US Partners only. 

Set up Billing on Behalf

Partners can mark end customers for direct billing in the following way:

1. Open the necessary Customer's account profile in Salesforce Partner Community

2. In the Account Information section navigate to the option Billing on Behalf and click Edit (pencil icon):

3. Enable the checkbox Billing on Behalf and press Save:

Note: The option is available for US Partners only. 

4. Make sure the field Billing email is filled out: 

Once enabled, invoices to the Customer are sent via Salesforce Partner Community. You can find invoices in the relevant section on the Account page:

By clicking on the invoice, you get to the Invoice page which includes such invoice details as date, due date, amount, VAT, total amount, status, etc.:

Note: An invoice can have the following statuses:

  • Invoice Created: invoice is ready to be sent 
  • Invoice Paid: payment has been received
  • Overdue: invoice was not paid by the due date
  • Invoice Canceled: invoice was canceled
  • Cancellation Invoice: for every canceled invoice a new cancellation invoice is created (with the same price but with negative value, e.g. if the invoice with amount 100 was cancelled, cost in the cancellation invoice is "-100"), to keep an accurate balance

When the invoice is paid by Customer, you can find payment details in the Payment section:

Clicking on the payment, the relevant Payment page opens with information about payment method used, receipt date, balance, payment amount, etc.: