Sales Intelligence in x-bees

This guide explains how to navigate and use Sales Intelligence tool in x-bees to gain insights from calls and conferences.

Created: April 2024

Updated: September 2024

x-bees documentation: link



Sales Intelligence is a powerful tool specifically created for sales managers and professionals. It offers a comprehensive view of customer interactions, empowering sales teams to analyze and extract valuable insights from their meetings. With Sales Intelligence, you can gain a deeper understanding of sales interactions, identify areas for improvement, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased sales.


  • Starting from WMS 6.06
  • x-bees SuperBee license
  • ACL rules "Can see analytics" and "Can see call recordings"
  • Calls and conferences being recorded and transcribed; to enable call transcription, set TRANSCRIBE_RECORDED_CALLS=yes parameter in Dialplan Settings

Access Sales Intelligence 

  • Navigate to Sales Intelligence tab on x-bees left side panel 
  • Sales Intelligence includes the following tabs:
    • All: shows a list of all calls and conferences
    • Your calls: only shows calls and conferences you participated in
    • Company: shows calls and conferences within your company in which you did not participate
    • Custom tabs: shows a custom list of calls and conferences after saving dedicated filters (see the chapter below for details)

Filter calls and conferences 

Upon accessing Sales Intelligence, you see a list of recent calls/ conferences. The list is sorted by time, displaying the latest calls/ conferences first. You can use the following filters to refine your search:

  • Participants: filter by specific users who participated in the call/ conference
  • Services: filter by the service (call group) the participants belong to
  • Words or phrases: search for conversations containing specific words/ phrases mentioned
  • Date: filter by date range (today, this week, custom range, etc.)
  • Language: filter by the language spoken 
  • Duration: filter by call duration range
  • Call type: show only recorded, transcribed, inbound, outbound or internal calls/ conferences

You can save up to 50 frequently used filter combinations. Saved filters appear as additional tabs in Sales Intelligence top panel. You can edit or delete these filters as needed. 

By default, only recorded calls/ conferences are displayed. For calls and conferences that were not recorded, it is not possible to listen to the audio or view the transcription. However, for conferences there is visualization of how much participants were speaking.

Views calls and conferences details

Select any specific call/ conference to open its comprehensive details. On the right area, you can explore the Highlights, Comments and Info sections (read the next chapters for a detailed description). On the main area, you have the options to:

  • Listen to the call (audio)/ watch the conference (video) recording or switch to the transcription view, which includes sentiments (user emotions: positive, neutral, negative, or mixed). You can change the audio/ video speed to listen at a faster or slower pace. 
  • Listen to the dialogue of each participant in the audio or video recording. 
  • Under the call/ conference section, view the percentage of the agent's or client's talking, as well as the talking speed (number of words per minute). Interruptions are moments during the call when participants were talking at the same time.
  • Clicking on a phrase in call/conference transcription, media player jumps to the relevant part of the conversation, providing quick access to the necessary information.
  • Download the recording or transcription for offline access and share its link with specific participants who have access to Sales Intelligence.


The Highlights section provides valuable information and insights about the call/ conference. It includes a summary of the conversation, key points, next steps and more. By reviewing the Highlights section, you can quickly grasp the key information from the call or conference.

For external meetings, the following highlights are available:

  • Customer insights: captures important details about the customer preferences, needs, challenges and any other relevant insights gathered during the call/ conference

  • Key points: summarizes the main points discussed during the conversation, highlighting key topics decisions, or agreements reached

  • Competitive information: captures any information gathered regarding competitors, their strategies, products or market positioning

  • Implementation timeline: provides details about the proposed implementation timeline. It may include milestones, deadlines or any other relevant time-related information

  • Budget: records information about the discussed budget or financial aspects of a project or deal

  • Customer response: focuses on the customer's response, feedback or suggestions 

  • Sales proposals: records any sales proposals, offers or recommendations made to the customer during the conversation, including pricing, packages, or terms

  • Action items: lists the specific tasks or actions that need to be taken as a result of the call/ conference

  • Next steps: outlines the planned next steps or actions to be taken after the call/ conference, including follow-up meetings or further engagements with the customer

For internal meetings, the Highlights section includes the following:

  • Topics: summarizes the main discussion points or agenda items covered during the call/ conference

  • Review: highlights any review or feedback

  • Progress: highlights the progress made on ongoing initiatives or projects

  • Issues: provides details about any problems or challenges that were discussed
  • Decisions: captures the decisions made during the call/ conference

Note: The availability of specific highlights may vary depending on the nature of the call or conference and the information discussed.


The Comments section allows you to start a discussion with participants or leave a personal feedback regarding the specific call/ conference.

  • To start a discussion, click Open chat. When you write a comment, a dedicated conversation named "Comments | Call/ conference title" is created with all agents (internal users) involved in the call/ conference. You can refer to a specific part of the call/ conference to provide targeted feedback for coaching purposes. Adjust the timeline to select the preferred part of the recording and start writing your message. Your comment will include a reference to the specified timeframe

  • To  leave a personal feedback, select a participant from the list. This allows you to provide individual opinions that may not be relevant to the entire group


The Info section provides essential details about the call/ conference. It includes information such as the date, duration, status, country, location, direction (inbound or outbound), language, PBX serial etc.

Use cases

Here are a few use cases that demonstrate the practical applications of Sales Intelligence:

  • Use case 1. Customer engagement optimization

ScenarioA sales manager wants to improve their customer engagement strategies to increase sales. However, they lack insights into customer preferences and pain points.

Solution: The manager uses Sales Intelligence to optimize customer engagement strategies. By analyzing customer interactions and insights gathered from calls and conferences, they can identify customer preferences, pain points and buying behaviours. This information can be used to improve sales approaches, personalize interactions, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased sales.

  • Use case 2. Training and coaching

Scenario: A sales manager wants to improve their team members skills and improve overall sales performance. However, they face challenges in identifying areas for improvements and providing targeted feedback.

Solution: The manager reviews call recordings, analyzes comments and provides feedback to team members. This helps in identifying areas for improvements, sharing best practices and guiding team members towards more effective sales techniques.

  • Use case 3: Sales performance evaluation

Scenario: A sales manager wants to assess the performance of their team members and provide constructive feedback for improvements. However, they lack comprehensive insights into their communication and negotiation skills.

Solution: The manager uses Sales Intelligence by reviewing call recordings and analyzing actions of each team member. By assessing the data, they can then provide personalized feedback, identify training needs and recognize top performers, leading to improved individual and team performance.