All communication with your clients in one x-bees conversation - May 2023

Changelog reference ticket: XBS-2640.

Keep all communication with an external user in one single place! With this update, we’ve made improvements to avoid multiple conversations being created for one and the same customer and agent. 

Now, when your customer hits the button “Start a new conversation”, x-bees looks up if the customer had a conversation with the same agent before – if positive, the communication continues in the same channel. What’s more, scheduled meetings are also added there – so whatever activities you have with a client, they are all in one x-bees conversation. Enjoy convenient, consistent, and efficient communication with your clients with x-bees!


  • If there is already more than one conversation between the user and the guest, the most recent one is used. 

  • A new conversation is created, rather then reusing an existing conversation, in the following cases:

    • if the existing conversation was modified (another agents or guests were added to the members list)

    • the conversation was assigned to another agent