How to debug Collaboration and Videoconference on Chrome and how to collect logs

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How to collect logs for Wildix tech support

In case you hare having a problem with Collaboration / Wizyconf Videoconference, collect the logs before opening a ticket to tech support.

Follow the steps to collect debug and attach it to your support ticket:

  1. Open Developer Console of Chrome (without refreshing the browser page!): click on three dots in the upper right corner of the browser page, select More ToolsDeveloper Tools 

    Open Developer Console

  2. Go to the tab Console
  3. Right click and select Save as 

    Save the file

  4. The log is saved (by default, to the Downloads folder) 

    Log is saved

  5. Open a ticket to Wildix support, describe the problem, include WMS version and attach the log file

Problem with Web Push notifications

Web Push notifications can be enabled in Chrome browser in Collaboration Settings → Personal. If enabled, user can receive incoming calls / chats even in case Collaboration tab is closed (but Chrome is running). 

In case Web push is enabled in Collaboration Settings, but web push is not working, check the following:

Support of Chrome native notifications on Windows 10 starting from Chrome version 68

  1. Open Chrome, type the following path in the address bar and press Enter:

  2. Use the drop-down menu on the right and selectEnabled

  3. Click the Relaunch now 

  4. Once you’ve completed the steps, web apps and websites you allowed will show pop notifications and alerts in Action Center.

You can manage Chrome Native notifications in Settings -> System -> Notifications and Actions -> Google Chrome:

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