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Partner Community by Wildix

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This Documentation describes how to use Partner Community, starting from lead creation and ending with managing opportunities.

Created: December 2021


Get Started

Partner Community by Wildix allows you to manage your customers and leads, starting from lead creation and ending with managing opportunities. The Community includes powerful tools that generate leads so your sales team can close more deals. 

Connect to your Partner Community at, enter Login and Password and click Log in:You have access to the different tabs:


Leads represent unqualified contacts. They’re unqualified because they still have doubts or uncertainty about your business and aren’t ready to buy, even though they show some level of interest in your product or services. 

Create a New Lead

  • Click New button to create a Lead

  • Fill in the following mandatory fields:
    • Company - insert Company name
    • Power - specify who is a decision maker 
    • First and Last Names
    • Job Title - select the title from the list

    • Phone/ Mobile and Email - add contact Information

  • Click Save button to create a Lead (if you want to create one more Lead, click Save & New button)

After creating, all Leads are also accessible from Lead Inbox window in Home tab. Sometimes, Wildix can assign you a Lead and you need to accept it. 

Manage existing Leads

  • To view a Lead, click on its Name

  • From the Options Panel, you can edit the Lead's information, add Notes, convert and clone it. Follow and Change Owner options allow other colleagues of your company to track the Lead and change the Lead's Owner

  • From the Related Details and Activities Panel, you have access to all the details connected with the Lead: you can review Lead History, add Notes, upload files, create Tasks

  • To process the Lead and move it to the next stage, click Mark Status as Complete button

The Lead conversion process itself consists of 3 stages:

  1. New - the stage is assigned once a Lead is created
  2. Qualification - under this stage, you determine whether a Lead is a good fit for a product/ service
  3. Converted - this stage is assigned when a Lead becomes a Project

  • When the Lead is qualified and ready to be converted, click Convert button. Based on the Lead, 3 entities are created:  
    • Account
    • Contact
    • Project


Accounts represent companies you plan to sell to. 

Create a New Account 

  • Click New button to create an Account:

  • Fill in the following mandatory fields:

    • Account Name
    • Phone and Email

  • Click Save button to create an Account (if you want to create one more Account, click Save & New button)

Manage existing Accounts

  • To open an Account, click on Account Name

  • From the Options Panel, you can edit the Account, add Notes, create an associated Project. Follow and Change Owner options allow other colleagues of your company to track the Account and change its Owner

  • From the Related Details and Activities Panel, you have access to all the details connected with the Account: you can review Account History, add Notes, create Projects, upload files, create Tasks


Projects represent opportunities that refer to the high probability of generating sales revenue. When a Project is created, it’s a signal of the start of a sales cycle.

Create a New Project 

  • Click New button to create a Project:

  • Fill in mandatory fields:
    • Project Name
    • Power - specify who is a decision maker
    • Close Date - estimate the date when you expect to close the Project
    • Stage - commonly, when you only create a Project, it is Intro/ Qualification stage
    • Account Name and Contact - associate the Project with an existing Account and Contact or create a new one 

    • Product of Interest - select Wildix products/ services for sale

  • Click Save button to create a Project (if you want to create one more Project, click Save & New button)

Manage existing Projects

  • To open a Project, click on Project Name

  • From the Options Panel, you can edit the Project, generate a Partner Community by Wildix, add Notes, clone it. Follow and Change Owner options allow other colleagues of your company to track the Project and change its Owner

  • From the Related Activities and Details Panel, you have access to all the details connected with the Project: you can view associated Contacts, open Quotes and related Products, you can review Project History, Notes, upload files, create Tasks

  • To process the Project and move it to the next stage, click Mark Stage as Complete button

The Project Management process itself consists of 6 stages:

  1. Intro/ Qualification - at this stage, you need to determine MRR/ CAPEX Amount, Users of POC - how many users use Wildix
  2. Demo
  3. Project Presentation
  4. Proposal - the basic condition to move to the next stage is Verbal Agreement
  5. Contract out 
  6. Closed 

  • When the Project passes Contract out stage, you can close the Project. Select the stage Closed Won and click Save. If you select Closed Lost stage, you need to explain the reason in Opportunity lost field


Contacts represent a person who is qualified to do business with you. By “qualified,” it means that the person could really become a paying customer.

Create a New Contact

  • Click New button to create a Contact

  • Fill in mandatory fields:
    • First and Last Names and Title
    • Account Name - associate the Contact with an existing Account or create a new one

    • Phone and Email - add contact information

  • Click Save button to create a Contact (if you want to create one more Contact, click Save & New button)

Manage existing Contacts

  • To open a Contact, click on its Name

  • From the Options Panel, you can edit the Contact and clone it. Follow and Change Owner options allow other colleagues of your company to track the Contact and change its Owner

  • From the Related Activities and Details Panel, you have access to all the detailed information connected with the Contact: you can review Contact History, Notes, upload files, create Tasks and upload files


Quotes represent proposed prices for products and services. Quotes can be created from and synced with Projects and emailed as PDFs to customers. 

Create a Quote

  • Select a Project you want to generate a Quote for and click Generate Quote button

  • Select Billing Frequency (Annual/ Five-year/ Monthly) and Proposal Expiration Dateclick Next button

  • Select Products and Services. You can use a search field or select Family (Hardware Own Products/ Marketing/ CLASSOUND/ HWaaS/ Licenses Recurring/ Support Services). When the Quote is completed, click Next button

  • If required, you can change Quantity of Products/ Services, set End User Prices and Discounts, click Next button to proceed to the next step

  • Review the Quote and click Finish button

Manage existing Quotes

  • To open a Quote, click on its Name

  • From the Options Panel, you can edit the Quote, create a PDF or send the Quote via email

  • From the Related Details and Activities Panel, you can view the list of related Products/ Services, add Notes, upload attachments, create Tasks

  • To associate the Quote with the Project, click Start Sync button and confirm by clicking Continue button. When the  Quote and the Project are synced, any change to line items in the Quote syncs with Products/Services on the opportunity, and vice versa.  


Tasks represent business activities such as making calls, sending quotes or other to-do items.

You can also create and manage Tasks in Lead, Account, Project and Contact tabs, under Open Activities menu.

Create a New Task

  • Click New Task button to create a Task

  • Fill in the following mandatory fields
    • Assigned To - specify the Task assignee. By default, the Task is assigned to you
    • Subject -  add your own or select one of the options: Call/ Send Letter/ Send Quote/ Other
    • Related To - associate it with an existing Account
    • Name - associate it with an existing Contact

  • Priority - set the Task priority: Normal/ High

  • Click Save to create a Task (if you want to create one more Task, click Save & New button)

Manage existing Tasks

  • To open a Task, click on its Subject:

  • From the Options Panel, you can edit the Task, quickly change Date, Status and Priority, delete it

  • Once the Task is done, click Mark Complete button


Three reports are available under Home tab. To open a report, click on the graphs and click View Report.

  1. Partner Opportunities Report shows the detailed information about Projects

  2. Amount Opportunities Report shows the total amount of all created Quotes

  3. Close Date Opportunities Report shows when Projects are closed


From Settings menu, you can access Home tab, edit your personal Profile and check your Company Account.

  • My Profile - this is your personal Profile, you can add user picture, edit your personal information
  • My Account - this is your Company Account created by Wildix, you cannot modify the information present on this page


To log out:

  1. Expand Settings in the top menu
  2. Click Logout 

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