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This Article describes how to configure Dialplan procedure to allow customers to enter extension numbers when they are inside IVR. This functionality can be implemented via configuration of DID and DISA services. You can rather

The functionality can be implemented via several options:

  1. Configuring a separate Dialplan procedure (no need to use/ create an IVR tree in this case)
  2. Configuring an IVR tree and a dedicated Dialplan procedure

Created: October 2018


Table of Contents



  • Wait for digits -> specify the timeout in seconds to give more time to the customer for entering the extension
  • Call group -> in case the timeout is reached and no number is entered, the call is forwarded to a call group

Exit from the IVR to a dedicated dialplan, IVR1 in this case with match 9999 and wait for more digits (1 second is enough): if user digits 18 the good match XX will dial the phone 118 (1 of IVR and 18 of port selection), if user does not add any digit the call will go to the tech group

XX - a called number to match with a dialed extension
