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This document provides information on built-in security features of the Wildix system, ISO compliance and GDPR.

Updated: April 2018


Security is a top priority for Wildix and all the security features are built-in inside the product, which means the Wildix System is Secure By Design and security is not delegated to third party devices.


  • WebRTC is not a plugin or a program installed on PC, security of WebRTC is contained directly within the browser (and, by the way, browser vendors take security seriously)
  • No installation or upgrade of components is required, in case user's PC is infected by a virus or spyware, WebRTC communications are not affected by this
  • If any security threat is found, it normally gets fixed very quickly and becomes available at once, user doesn't have to wait for it and install it, all WebRTC components are offered as part of a browser and they are updated as soon as the browser is updated (by the way, most modern browsers auto-update themselves)
  • There is no way some website could use microphone and webcam without user's permission, since WebRTC application requires the user to explicitly give permission to use camera or microphone on a one-time or a permanent access (in addition, WebRTC applications explicitly show to the user when the microphone or camera are being used)
  • All media streams sent via WebRTC are encrypted using DTLS and SRTP making wiretapping, tampering and eavesdropping impossible (so-called "handshakes" are performed between the parties who are establishing a communication) 
  • In case servers are used (e.g. TURN), they do not decode the application data layer and do not touch DTLS encryption, they cannot modify or get access to the information that is exchanged between the peers 


Vulnerabilities and questions about privacy must be communicated using the following email, we have a Vulnerability Reward Program in place. The reward will depend on the importance of the problem found.

Reasons to contact us at

  • I’m experiencing a security problem with my Wildix account

  • I want to report a technical security bug in a Wildix product (WMS, Collaboration, WMP, Kite, ubiconf, WP, iOS / Android Wildix apps)

  • I have a privacy doubt or a privacy-related question about Wildix products and services.


  • Added an option to auto-delete CDR, chats / Kite chats, voicemails and call recordings in WMS Settings -> PBX -> Call and chat history after a period of time (WMS-4090; WMS-4084)

    • GDPR - Right to be forgotten

  • Added the possibility to delete all contacts from the phonebook in WMS -> Users -> Phonebooks (WMS-3901)
    • GDPR - Right to be forgotten
