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This document is intended only for the Wildix Partners participating in the x-bees closed beta.

Table of Contents

Admin Guide


  • WMS version 5.04 or higher




Note: Currently the ability to create PBXs on WMP with x-bees licensing is disabled (coming soon).



  • Analytics is coming soon

Salesforce integration


Salesforce license with API access. API access is included in the following Salesforce editions:


  1. Click Settings from SF (the Gear icon in the upper right-hand part of the screen) -> click Setup

  2. Setup Home screen opens. From the left panel, under ADMINISTRATION, Users -> click Users

  3. Find the System Administrator profile and click to open it

  4. Click Clone. Clone Profile screen opens

  5. Add the following Profile Name: SystemAdminWithCreatedBy and click Save

  6. The newly created Profile SystemAdinWithCreatedBy opens. Scroll down to System and click on System Permissions 

  7. Click Edit
  8. Scroll down to Set Audit Fields upon Record Creation (Set audit fields, such as Created By and Last Modified By, when you create a record (API only).) and put the tick

  9. Scroll up and click Save. Permission Changes Configuration window opens. Click Save again

  10. On the left panel, under ADMINISTRATION click Users. Find your System Administrator and click Edit next to the entry

  11. Setup Users screen opens. Change the Profile from System Administrator to the newly created Profile SystemAdminwithCreatedBy and click Save

Video available.

HubSpot Integration


  • xb-Business license or higher
  • Admin access to HubSpot account




  • HubSpot and x-bees sync may take up to 5 minutes
  • x-bees contact can be created only with users that have an email address
  • Contacts deleted from HubSpot are not removed in x-bees

Access for users and guests

Mobile apps 


  • x-bees mobile apps are currently available only for users from Canada, the UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, France and the USA
  • x-bees mobile apps can be downloaded both by PBX users and guests
  • x-bees mobile apps are available for users who are assigned an xb-Essential license or higher 
  • Guests have to be previously invited to a channel by a PBX user in order to be able to engage with them in conversations



Note: Guests who are not Wildix PBX users need to be invited to an x-bees channel by a PBX user to be able to engage with them in conversations.

Web access

From WMS:

  • Go to WMS -> Users, select users and click Invite to x-bees
  • Users receive an invitation via email with the link to join x-bees


  1. Open the link: 
  2. Log in via Google or Microsoft 365 SSO, or by email 
    • In case of login via email, a verification code will be sent to your email address, you will need to enter it to log in
  3. Connect to the PBX: 
    1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings
    2. Under Settings, click Connect to Wildix PBX
    3. Enter your Wildix PBX domain into the input field and click Connect

Direct link to contact an x-bees user ("WebRTC Kite") 


Note: A customizable widget or contact-me button can be added to your website or embedded to your email signature, to enable customers to contact single agents or groups by clicking on a link. 


  1. User clicks Send me a message
  2. x-bees interface opens and user starts typing a message

  3. Authentication popup opens, requesting user to log in using Google/ Microsoft 365 SSO or email

  4. In case user chooses to log in via email, a code is sent to their email and they need to type it

  5. Now they can continue the conversation with the PBX user

  6. By clicking on the Back arrow next to the conversation icon from the top left-hand side of the screen, user can view all the previous conversations in which they were involved

User Guide

x-bees Web


  • No way to send SMS messages and Faxes via x-bees, as well as to listen to Voicemails and Call recordings
  • You receive a copy of Call recordings and Voicemails via email
  • Access to the web version and mobile apps of x-bees is available starting from the xb-Essential license


Users of the PBX receive an invitation via email with the link to join x-bees and download mobile apps. The invitation email should be sent by the PBX admin from WMS.



Note: if you are not sure, what your Wildix PBX domain is, please check with your system administrator.


User Picture

In case you were previously using Collaboration, your user picture is synced with Wildix Collaboration. 


  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings
  2. Click on your user picture to open profile information 
  3. Select a new picture or use your webcam to make a new one 

External profile link (WebRTC Kite link)

To view your profile link, by which external users can contact you: 

  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings
  2. Click on your user picture
  3. You can view and copy the link under Advanced 


Language is currently selected based on your Browser language. 


Note: professional translation is currently available in Italian, German, Spanish and French.

User status and status message

The following user presence statuses are available in x-bees:


  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings 
  2. Under Status, click on Set a status

  3. Enter the status message into the field, set date and time to clear the status after (optional)
  4. Click Save
  5. To check the status message, click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings. Under Status, check the message


To enable/ change notifications settings:



Note: audio notifications about new chats are currently not available. 

Call forwarding settings

To enable/ change call forwarding settings:

  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings
  2. Under Settings, click Calls
  3. Set up call forwarding rules for every Call class:

Audio and video device settings

To change the active devices for audio/ video:

  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings
  2. Under Settings, click Audio and Video
  3. In this menu, you can select and test the active device for Speakers, Ringing, Microphone and Video:

Kite settings

Kite settings let you create a professional email signature with contact-me button, which allows recipients to reach out to you via x-bees. Also, Kite settings allow to create a website widget.

  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings. Under Settings, click Kite settings

  2. You get redirected to this portal:
Email signature
  1. Fill out the form which includes the following fields: 
    • Full Name
    • Company
    • Job title
      Additional information:
    • Phone
    • Address
    • LinkedIn
    • Custom link
    • Title for custom link
    • Custom text field
  2. Under Email signature preview, click Copy to clipboard or Download file to further apply the signature in your email client



Note: If you change avatar/ name/ or other data, a new signature with the updated info should be created.

Website widgets

Documentation: x-bees website widget configuration


  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings
  2. Under Settings, click Extensions
  3. Install the Integration service

Inbound services ("Contact center")

The contact center feature present in Wildix Collaboration is available in x-bees and allows you to view the available services (call groups) and dynamically log in/ log out from them:

  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings
  2. Under Status, enable Inbound services
  3. Enable the switch next to Inbound service requests: the switch allows you to dynamically join the inbound services (call groups)
  4. Under Inbound Services: enable those services (call groups from your PBX) that you would like to join as a call agent (in this menu you cannot change the status in services, to which you were added statically via WMS)


Updates of the x-bees web interface are available out of the box and do not require any steps from the PBX admin or user.


  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings
  2. Under Support, click About


You are invited to send us feedback, provide suggestions and report problems!


  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings
  2. Under Support, click Send Feedback


  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings, then click Log out


Group conversations 


Important: Conversations (chats) on x-bees are not synced with Wildix Collaboration!


  • Edit: edit the event title
  • Send email invitation: opens your email client enabling you to send a customized email invitation to all the members

Start a conference or schedule an event

  • Start a call with all the participants: click on the Video icon from the upper right-hand part of the conversation screen


  1. Click on the Info icon from the upper right-hand part of the conversation to open the Conversation Info frame
  2. Click on the three dots from the upper-right hand part of the frame
  3. Click Schedule event via Google or via Microsoft: calendar opens enabling you to schedule a conference in the participants' calendars

One-on-one conversations 


Important: Conversations (chats) on x-bees are not synced with Wildix Collaboration.



Note: From one-on-one conversations, same as from group conversations, you can start a conference or schedule it via Google or Microsoft 365.

Conversations features: reactions, quote, forward, edit, delete, tagging, file sharing

The features described below are available both in one-on-one and in group conversations.


  • Send one more multiple files: click on the paper clip icon from the input field or use drag and drop to add your files:

Screen sharing 

  • From a conference:

To start screen sharing, you need to start a conference in a conversation:



Current limitation: In case a call is transferred to a device which doesn't support screen sharing (for example, WP phones, etc) the button "Screen Sharing" is not disabled. This will be fixed in further releases. 

Hide or leave a conversation

  • Right-click on a conversation from the list of active conversations and press Hide:


Active calls are synced between x-bees and Collaboration.


This means, if you want to change the active app (x-bees or Collaboration), then refresh the web page with that app.

Start a call from Dialpad 


Note: Currently there's no option to select an active device, calls are started via the x-bees interface.


  1. Click the Dialpad icon from the top menu
  2. Type a name of a user, a phonebook contact, a Salesforce/ Hubspot lead or contact, or just enter a phone number into the field 
    • In case a contact has more than one number, click on the arrow next to the match, to view the available options
  3. Click on the green Call icon from the Dialpad to start a call

Image Modified

Selecting Caller ID for outbound calls 

If you need to make an external call, but don’t want to show your office phone number, you can select the phone number of the relevant service (e.g. tech support, sales, accounting, etc.) before placing a call:



Note: To set up Caller IDs, go to WMS -> Dialplan -> Call groups -> select a group -> click Edit strategy and specify CID for outbound calls. 

Call from Conversation

The Call option is only available in one-on-one conversations with other PBX users: 



Important: To have a full set of features (including video), it is recommended to start a call using the Video icon!

Choosing between the call option and video conference 

If you need telephony features, such as: 


If you need screen sharing, opt for the Video conference option from one-on-one or group conversations. 

Manage calls 


Note: Call recording is currently available only via the Feature code (*1 by default).


Note, that this option allows you to merge SIP calls into a conference call:



  • Call history on x-bees is synced with Collaboration
  • Call recordings are currently not available in Call history. You receive a copy of call recordings via email
  • Currently there's no ability to filter events in Call history

Live dashboard 


Note: Live dashboard is available for users with Premium license.


Live dashboard allows you to view all active conversations on the PBX, including calls and conferences:

x-bees Chrome extension

Link to access the extension:


  • Quick access to x-bees from Chrome toolbar: click the x-bees icon to instantly open browser tab with x-bees running
  • click2call functionality: right-click on a phone number on a web page, choose x-bees and select Call

  • Creating conversation: right-click on an email address from a web page, choose x-bees and click Create conversation


    Note: In case you installed the extension manually, you need to remove it and reinstall it from the store to avoid issues with further auto-updates.

Salesforce leads management 


Note: Salesforce lead management described in this chapter is currently available only on the x-bees web interface. 

Find Salesforce leads and look up activities

Use the search field in the upper left part of the screen to find Salesforce leads and contacts. All the results matching your criteria from your Salesforce instance appear in the drop-down list with relevant icons:


If you are already in a conversation with a Salesforce lead or contact, click on the contact from the Info tab to view the information on this Salesforce match:

Image ModifiedLogging activities

To manually log activities, open a Salesforce lead on x-bees. You have two options: 




  • The following calls are not logged:
    • Received and missed PBX calls in case of an unknown number.
    • Calls made and canceled within 5 seconds.
    • Calls between users of the same PBX/ WMS Network.
  • If the lead has multiple matches, task is created for the newest lead.
    • This logic applies if the duplicate lead was created after installation of the integration. Otherwise, if a lead had multiple matches before installation of the integration, the match is chosen randomly.   
    • When the lead match is changed, all new tasks are created for the assigned match. Old tasks are not changed.

Multiple matches found in Salesforce

In some cases, when looking for a Salesforce lead on x-bees, multiple matches are found. In this case, you need first confirm the match, and then log the activity: 


Note: Keep in mind that the same Salesforce match can appear as a lead (orange icon) and a contact (violet icon). In this case, you need to select whether to log the activity to the Salesforce lead or to the Salesforce contact.

Create a Salesforce lead

You can create a Salesforce lead in x-bees from a conversation or from a contact card.


  • At the next step, fill out the fields and click Save

HubSpot contacts management

Finding HubSpot contacts 

To find HubSpot contacts, use the search field in the upper left part of the screen. The results matching your search criteria from HubSpot appear in the drop-down list with the relevant HubSpot icon:


In case you are in a conversation with a HubSpot contact and want to see information on this HubSpot contact, just click on them on the Info tab:

​​Logging activities

You can manually log activities from x-bees to HubSpot. Open a HubSpot contact on x-bees. You have two options: 



The following activities are not logged automatically:

  • Received and missed PBX calls in case of an unknown number
  • Calls made and canceled within 5 seconds
  • Calls between users of the same PBX/ WMS Network

Create a HubSpot contact 

You can create a HubSpot contact in x-bees from a conversation or from a contact card.



Note: Email is a mandatory field when creating a HubSpot contact.

x-bees Mobile

x-bees Mobile app and the Web version share the same codebase and the same set of features. 


  1. Download the x-bees app by Wildix from Apple Store or Google Play market 
  2. Log in using Google or Microsoft SSO



Note: if you are not sure, what your Wildix PBX domain is, please check with your system administrator.


The Settings described below are available for the PBX users (for users connected to a Wildix PBX).

  • Tap your user picture to access Settings

User Picture

  • Tap your user picture to upload a new picture or use your webcam to make a new one

User Status and Status message

  • Under Status, tap on your current user status (e.g. Available) and select a new one




  • The support starts from WMS 5.04.20220504 and higher
  • The status message should be no longer than 100 characters
  • When busy in a conference, user status automatically changes to the default one (e.g. “in conference | until 14:00”)


  • Under Settings, tap Notifications and enable notifications
    • Note, that Web and Mobile notifications are managed separately and there is no sync between them; to enable notifications on Web, consult this chapter



Note: Make sure you have enabled Notifications for x-bees in your phone settings. 

Call forwarding settings

  • Under Settings, tap Calls and set up call forwarding rules for every Call class

Inbound services ("Contact center")

The contact center feature present in Wildix Collaboration is available in x-bees and allows you to view the available services (call groups) and dynamically log in/ log out from them:

  1. Under Status, enable Inbound services
  2. Enable the switch next to Inbound service requests: the switch allows you to dynamically join the inbound services (call groups)
  3. Under Inbound Services: enable those services (call groups from your PBX) that you would like to join as a call agent (in this menu you cannot change the status in services, to which you were added statically via WMS)

Check the current version

  • Under Support, tap About 


You are invited to send us feedback, provide suggestions and report problems!

  • Under Support, tap Send Feedback


  • From the Inbox, tap on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen, then tap Log out


Same as with the web version, you can participate in one-on-one chats and in group conversations with your colleagues and external people. 

Group conversations

Create a new conversation

  1. From the Inbox top panel, tap +. The New Conversation screen opens
  2. Add participants and tap Next
    • You can add PBX users, Phonebook contacts, email addresses
  3. Give your conversation a title and tap Create

Manage a conversation

Inside a conversation, tap on the picture next to its title. The Info screen opens, allowing you to:


  • Edit the title of the conversation
  • Send email invitations to all the participants
  • Schedule an event in their calendars

Start a conference or schedule an event 


Important: participation in a video conference on the x-bees iOS mobile app requires x-bees conference mobile app. Download the x-bees conference mobile app from Apple store.


  1. Inside a conversation tap on the picture next to its title
  2. Tap More (three dots) and tap Schedule event
    • Make sure you select the correct calendar when scheduling an event from the mobile app

One-on-one conversations

You can start a one-on-one conversation (chat) with any match found in the Search field. It can be a colleague, a phonebook contact, or any external person present in your conversations. 


  1. From the conversation, tap on the picture next to its title to open the Info screen
  2. Tap on the person and tap Send message

Conversations features: reactions, quote, forward, edit, delete, tagging, file sharing

The features described below are available both in one-on-one and in group conversations.


Send one more multiple files: tap on the paper clip icon from the input field to add your files

Hide or leave a conversation

  • From the Inbox: tap and hold a particular conversation, then tap Hide or tap Leave conversation


You can dial any internal or external number. You can search your Colleagues directory and your shared Phonebooks contacts.

Start a call from Dialpad

  1. From the Inbox, tap on the Dialpad icon from the upper right-hand part of the screen
  2. Type a name or a phone number to see the matches from the Colleagues directory or Phonebook contacts; otherwise, type an external number into the field


  • VoIP: generates a call via the Wildix PBX
  • Callback: you instantly receive a callback to your mobile number from the Wildix PBX and then the outbound call to the destination is generated
  • Mobile: generates a call via your mobile phone using your SIM card operator

Selecting Caller ID for outbound calls 

If you need to make an external call, but don’t want to show your office phone number, you can select the phone number of the relevant service (e.g. tech support, sales, accounting, etc.) before placing a call:

  1. Open the Dialpad and click on the drop-down list at the top 
  2. Select the service (Call group) and make a call

    The call is performed using CID for outbound calls of the selected Call group.
    By default, the option “Personal” is displayed.

Call from Conversation

The Call option is only available in one-on-one conversations with other PBX users: 

  • Tap the Handset icon from the upper right-hand part of the conversation

Manage calls 


Note: Call recording is currently available only via the Feature code (*1 by default).


  • Send DTMF
  • Start/ stop video
  • Mute/ unmute
  • Hold/ resume
  • End a call
  • Transfer a call



  • Currently there's no ability to filter events in call history by All and Missed
  • Currently there's no ability to listen to your Voicemails. You receive a copy of your Voicemails to email and you can use the feature code to listen to them (81 by default)

Sales documentation

User Stories

In this chapter, we will see how exactly x-bees helps businesses in managing their leads and improving their customer care. 

UCC Summit x-bees presentation

<iframe src="" title="x-bees by Wildix - UCC Summit Video" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" class="wistia_embed" name="wistia_embed" msallowfullscreen width="500" height="281"></iframe>
<script src="" async></script>

Salesperson story: Prospect reaching out through the website

As a sales representative, I want to be able to reach out to a prospect who contacted me via the website, even after they close the chat window. I have my quarterly and yearly goals, being able to always follow up with a prospect, helps me achieve better results in terms of sales. 


  1. Prospect reaches out to a salesperson through a contact-me button/ widget on the website 
  2. They need to authorize via Google/ Microsoft SSO or via email
  3. They are added to a conversation with the salesperson
  4. At this point, the salesperson can communicate with the prospect in real-time, using chat, voice and video 
  5. The salesperson can add more people to the conversation from both sides to have all the decision-makers in one place
  6. The salesperson can schedule a conference with all the participants in their calendars to discuss the deal
  7. The prospect can download the free x-bees mobile app 
  8. The salesperson can contact the prospect again at any time and be sure that the message will reach them via the app or via email notification
  9. The salesperson can add the prospect to the CRM and everyone in the company can keep track of all the interactions with this lead

Customer story: Contacting a company via their website 

As a customer, I want to be put in touch with the right person from the team. If I got interested in a product or service, I want to be able to receive a follow-up regarding my request without having to explain my request over and over again every time to a new person.


  1. Online customer contacts the company via the website to ask about a product or service
  2. They need to authorize via Google/ Microsoft SSO or via email
  3. They are added to a conversation with an agent/ group of agents
  4. The customer has an option to download the free x-bees mobile app 
  5. The agent can follow up with the customer regarding a particular request later on via chat and the message will reach the customer via the mobile app or email notification
  6. The customer can contact the company again in the future and they can choose to continue the same conversation with the same agent

Salesperson story: Contacting a prospect and setting up a call

As a sales representative, I would prefer to communicate in real-time via chat, voice and video with my prospects, instead of email. I also want to be able to involve all the decision-makers from that company. Being able to discuss a deal in real-time with all the decision-makers and being able to easily schedule a call with all the participants, helps me in reaching my quarterly and yearly goals. 


  1. The salesperson creates a new conversation and adds the email/ emails of the prospect
  2. The salesperson sends them all an invite to join x-bees and adds them to the CRM to keep track of all the interactions
  3. The prospect receives an invite via email and clicks on the link to join the conversation on x-bees
  4. The prospect can download the free x-bees mobile app 
  5. At this point, the salesperson can communicate with the prospect in real-time, using chat, voice and video 
  6. The salesperson can add more people to the conversation from both sides to have all the decision-makers in one place
  7. The salesperson can schedule a conference with all the participants in their calendars to discuss the deal
  8. The salesperson can log all the activities to the CRM to keep everyone updated regarding the status of this lead

Salesperson story: Logging activities to the CRM

As a sales representative, I spend almost 40% of my time logging activities and updating the CRM. My goal is to close deals and this is achieved because I talk to customers and run demos, not because I log the activities to the CRM. I don't want to study how CRM works, because this is not what I am paid for. I want logging to be done automatically, I want to be able to create CRM leads and add notes to the CRM without having to open the CRM. 


  1. The salesperson is in a conversation on x-bees with a prospect and this prospect qualifies as a lead
  2. The salesperson adds this prospect as a CRM lead directly on x-bees, without having to open the CRM
  3. Activities that happen on x-bees, such as calls, are logged to the CRM automatically
  4. The salesperson can add notes and create tasks in the CRM directly from x-bees, for example, during a call

Manager story: Up-to-date information on leads in the CRM

As a manager, I want to be able to see up-to-date information on leads. Unfortunately, our salespeople often forget to add leads to the CRM and to log activities. In this case, I need to call them or write them emails and I don't want to waste time on that. For example, last month the sales team ran a webinar that generated new leads, I want to know exactly which actions were taken on those leads. This will help me to keep track of my team's performance and make sure we achieve our quarterly and yearly goals.


  1. The manager finds the CRM lead on x-bees and opens the record
  2. The manager can view all the activities and all the actions taken by the sales team: e.g. how many calls were made, by whom and when, the outcome of every call
  3. The manager has the option to open this lead in the CRM for further actions

Manager story: Performance of the sales team

As a manager of a sales team, I want to know what exactly makes my best performers stand out and how to coach the rest of my team. Currently, I have to spend too much time listening to live calls of my team with customers or listening to call recordings. I want to have actionable and reliable data without spending all my time on that. This will help me to improve the performance of my team.
