Versions Compared


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Document description


  • Shows registered users:
Code Block
kamctl ul show : shows registered users
  • Shows short info list:
Code Block
kamctl ul show –brief : shows short info list
  • Check how many users are registered at the moment:
Code Block
kamctl ul show –brief | wc -l : check how many users are registered at the moment
kamcmd ul.dump : kamctl ul show has json formatted output; the output using this command is more suitable for human reading
  • Kamctl ul show has json formatted output; the output using this command is more suitable for human reading:
Code Block
kamcmd ul.dump
  • SIP Proxy uptime:
Code Block
kamcmd core.uptime : SIP Proxy uptime
  •  Shared memory status:
Code Block
kamcmd core.shmmem : shared memory status
  • Private memory status:
Code Block
kamcmd pkg.stats : private memory status
  • Show DNS cache:
Code Block
kamcmd dns.view : show DNS cache
  • Enable verbose logs without restart:
Code Block
kamcmd cfg.seti core debug 2 : enable verbose logs without restart
  • Disable verbose logs without restart:
Code Block
kamcmd cfg.seti core debug 1 : disable verbose logs without restart
  • Monitor SIP Proxy status:
Code Block
kamctl monitor : monitor SIP Proxy status
kamctl ps : check SIP Proxy processes
kamcmd ws.dump : shows a list of current websocket connections

  • Check SIP Proxy processes:
Code Block
kamctl ps
  • Shows a list of current websocket connections:
Code Block
kamcmd ws.dump

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