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This Guide describes  how to set automatic Active Directory Single Sign-On.

Created: March 2019


Table of Contents

Step 1. Generate KeyTab file in Active Directory

  • Go to Active Directory Users and Computers Computers -> Computers
  • Create a new computer account - “some-name” (In active directory users and computers -> in the domain <Your-domain-name> -> computers -> create a computer “some-name”). A user named “some-name” should not be in this domain
  • To create KeyTab file and check spn (service principal name) binding to the computer account, run the following commands with Domain Admin privileges:

    Code Block
    ktpass -princ HTTP/ -mapuser some-name$@EXAMPLE.COM -crypto ALL -ptype KRB5_NT_SRV_HST +rndpass -out d:\some-name.keytab
    setspn -Q HTTP/


    some-name$@EXAMPLE.COM - the name of the computer in the asset directory (with $);

    + rndpass - the password that will be is generated for the computer account, where the domain is written in capital letters.

    If HTTP / is bound to several computers or users, authentication of Kerberos will not work.

  • Keytab appears on the disk - d: \ some-name.keytab


  • :

Step 2. Upload KeyTab file to PBX


  • Enter Kerberos FQDN of the KeyTab. It contains encoded domain name/ IP address of PBX:

Step 3. Import users


from AD

In order to use AD SSO, you need to import users from Active Directory.

Consult Documentation  for details.

Step 4.


Active Directory SSO

  • On Windows machine, connected to AD, log in to the system


  • with a user who


  • was previously imported to  PBX
  • Open the browser and enter the domain name that was configured

    on the PBH Security page

    as Kerberos FQDN (this name must be resolved to

    the PBH

    PBX IP address). For example, glebka-test1.wildix2016.



  • If everything is set up correctly, then you log in automatically in Collaboration under the user that you are logged into on Windows computer

Browser configuration

Mozilla Firefox

To access the Firefox settings, enter about:config into the Address bar and press [Enter]. This will bring up a long list of customizable preferences for the current installation of the browser.

You need to add the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of the PBX into the list of trusted URIs:

  • network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris - FQDN of the Server.

In the "Login page" can you find the right FQDN

Internet Explorer

The browser must be configured to enable single sign-on (SSO) support. SSO only works on intranet and using trusted URL's.

  • First, open the Windows computerInternet Options from the Tools menu
  • Select the Security tab, select the Local intranet and press the Sites button.
  • We need to add the FQDN of the PBX to the trusted list.
  • Press the Advanced button.
  • This opens a dialog where the FQDN of PBX can be added
  • In the "Login page" can you find the right FQDN. Wildcards are also supported e.g. *
  • Configure the automatic authentication handling in the browser. Go back to the Security tab and select the Custom Level.
  • Scroll down to the bottom in the settings and make sure that Logon is set to Automatic only in intranet zone.
  • If the browse is the Internet Explorer version 6 or later we must manually enable the SPNEGO SSO.
  • Select the Advanced tab, scroll down to the Security section - Enable Integrated Windows Authentification


In most cases Chrome will use IE config (see above), but you may test SSO by starting the application the following parameter:

  • auth-server-whitelist - Allowed FQDN - Set the FQDN of the IdP Server. Example:

chrome --auth-server-whitelist="*"

In the "Login page" can you find the right FQDN


No additional configuration is needed.


Opera does not currently support Kerberos authentication.

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