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Table of Contents


This document explains how to set up Delayed Paging – allowing users to record the message and then have it delivered as a page.

Created: January 2019


Basic information on Paging feature: Paging - Admin Guide - English

Use Case

Customers would like a paging solution that allows them to record a message, then have this message delivered as a page. If they do not like the recording that they have recorded, they would like an opportunity to record the message over again before it is sent out.



Note: Originate Extension is set to 444. This 444 is a “fake user” in the system exclusively used for call forwarding. This user does not need to be online. It is simply used to forward the call to a dialplan entry that will playback the recorded announcement to the paging group.


Note: Originate Channel is set with 555 as being the user part. This user 555 is another “fake user” which forwards the call to a dialplan entry that will route to the paging group. Again, it does not need to be an online user, it is simply used for call forwarding to the paging group.

Below are the applications used in the corresponding order:


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