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This document explains how to set DSCP to ensure QoS on Wildix devices and Web Phone

Created: June 2018

Updated: January 2023

Permalink: https://confluencewildix.wildixatlassian.comnet/wiki/x/vQGIAQqQ7OAQ


Setting DSCP QoS for Wildix devices


To set DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) QoS (Quality of Service) for all the Wildix devices (WP4X0 series phones, media gateways):

  • Set DSCP value at af41 or higher in WMS Settings -> PBX -> SIP-RTP
  • Configure all the routers / firewalls to prioritize such traffic



Important: after having changed DSCP value, to apply the changes in WMS network, it is necessary to restart WMS network in WMS Settings -> PBX -> WMS Network.

It is possible to enable / disable DSCP QoS for WebRTC phone (Collaboration on Chrome) and ubiconf Wizyconf conference in Collaboration Settings -> Web Phone -> DSCP QoS:

  • Default: If DSCP value is set to af41 or higher in WMS Settings -> PBX -> SIP-RTP, then DSCP is enabled by default
  • On / Off: Force DSCP on or off, independently from the settings on SIP-RTP page

For Vision/ SuperVision phones series, Collaboration on Android for WiFi and WP600AXX series phones: DSCP value set on SIP-RTP page


Occasionally in WMS is applied. 


Note: iOS currently does not support setting QoS via DSCP.


Note: occasionally routers / firewalls / operators can block traffic with DSCP settings different from 0 (prioritized traffic could be dropped), in such case:

  • Administrator must disable globally DSCP QoS in WMS Settings -> PBX -> SIP-RTP
  • User can disable QoS separately for WebRTC Phone (Web Phone on Chrome) in Collaboration Settings -> Web Phone
  • User can disable DSCP settings in Android app -> Advanced Settings, in Phone app on Vision/ SuperVision series phones and on WP600AXX series in Settings -> Developer

Setting QoS Policy for Windows

You can use QoS Policy as a central point of network bandwidth management across your entire Active Directory infrastructure by creating QoS profiles, whose settings are distributed with Group Policy. 


QoS traffic management occurs below the application layer, which means that your existing applications do not need to be modified to benefit from the advantages that are provided by QoS policies.


Prerequisites for QoS Policy on Windows

It is possible to use QoS policy to manage bandwidth for computers or users with the following Microsoft OS supported by Wildix Collaboration:

  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7

As stated in the previous chapter, it is possible to apply QoS for WebRTC Phone only, which means you should use Chrome browser. 

Location of QoS Policy in Group Policy

In Windows Server 2016 Group Policy Management Editor, the path to QoS Policy for Computer Configuration is the following:


More information on QoS policies on Windows: 

Configuring QoS policies 

To create a Quality of Service audio policy, first log on to a computer where Group Policy Management has been installed. Open Group Policy Management (click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Group Policy Management). Example of creating a QoS Policy for audio:

  1. In Group Policy Management, locate the container where the new policy should be created. For example, if all your client computers are located in an OU named Clients then the new policy should be created in the Client OU.

  2. Right-click the appropriate container and then click Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here.

  3. In the New GPO dialog box, type a name for the new Group Policy object in the Name box and then click OK.

  4. Right-click the newly-created policy and then click Edit.

  5. In the Group Policy Management Editor, expand Computer Configuration, expand Policies, expand Windows Settings, right-click Policy-based QoS, and then click Create new policy.

  6. In the Policy-based QoS dialog box, on the opening page, type a name for the new policy in the Name box. Select Specify DSCP Value and set the value to 46. Leave Specify Outbound Throttle Rate unselected, and then click Next.

  7. On the next page, make sure that All applications is selected and then click Next. This setting instructs the network to look for all packets with a DSCP marking of 46, not just packets created by a specific application.

  8. On the third page, make sure that both Any source IP address and Any destination IP address are selected and then click Next. These two settings ensure that packets will be managed regardless of which computer (IP address) sent those packets and which computer (IP address) will receive those packets.

  9. On page four, select TCP and UDP from the Select the protocol this QoS policy applies to dropdown list. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) are the two networking protocols most-commonly used by Lync Server and its client applications. 

  10. Under the heading Specify the source port number, select From this source port or range. In the accompanying text box, type the port range reserved for audio transmissions . For example, if you reserved ports 50020 through ports 50039 for audio traffic enter the port range using this format: 50020:50039. depending on the PBX type:

    1. for Cloud PBX: 10000:59999

    2. for HW/ VM PBX: 10000:12000  

  11. Click Finish.

After you have created the QoS policy for audio you can then create a second policy for video. To create a policy for video, follow the same basic procedure you followed when creating the audio policy, making these substitutions:

  • Use a different (and unique) policy name

  • Set the DSCP value to 34 instead of 46 (this is just an example, you can set a different DSCP value, but it must be different than the one used for audio)Use the previously configured port range for video traffic. For example, if you have reserved ports 58000 through 58019 for video, then set the port range to this: 58000:58019.

The new policies you have created will not take effect until Group Policy has been refreshed on your client computers. Although Group Policy periodically refreshes on its own, you can force an immediate refresh by running the following command on each computer where Group Policy needs to be refreshed:


If you would like to tag DSCP values for all the network adapters in a computer, including adapters that do not have access to your domain, then you will need to add and configure a value to the registry. That can be done by completing the procedure described above. After creating and configuring the new registry value you will need to reboot your computer in order for the changes to take effect.



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