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This Procedure Document provides an overview of the storage changes and Cloud Analytics data retention in WMS 6.05, where user files are moved from local storage to Company Data Storage (CDS).

Created: November 2023

Updated: January 2024


Table of Contents


The Procedure Document explains the changes to storing user files and retention of Cloud Analytics data in WMS 6.05. Starting from this version, files are stored in a dedicated storage system, Company Data Storage (CDS), within the same AWS region as a PBX is running, however, it can also be activated on Virtual/ Hardware PBXs.


  • Change in Long-Term Storage Policy: We're updating the policy to offer our customers a centralized and scalable solution for system performance optimization

  • Improved Reliability: By moving to a dedicated storage, we aim to enhance system reliability

  • Improved Failover Capabilities: Storing files in a dedicated cloud environment enhances the system's ability to switch to backup resources during disruptions

  • Preparations for Analytics and AI features: The change prepares the system for upcoming analytics and AI features

Cloud Analytics Data Retention

The retention of Cloud Analytics data also relies on the CDS. By default, Cloud Analytics keeps the data for 3 months. During this period, all relevant data is retained and available for analysis. If you require the data to be stored for a longer period of time, you need to order a dedicated storage bundle. The size of a storage bundle influences the Cloud Analytics data retention period, as outlined in the next chapter.

Company Data Storage Activation

Cloud PBXs

The CDS feature is enabled by default on Cloud PBXs running on WMS 6.05. After the update to WMS 6.05, an automatic migration process is launched to move existing data from the local storage to the CDS. During the migration, the following data is moved:

  • Call Recordings
    For users who have integrations that directly access recordings from PBX, we offer two options:

    • API to retrieve recordings: Access recordings through the API endpoint: GET /api/v1/pbx/recordings

    • 7-day local copy: A local copy of recordings is kept for seven days, ensuring continued access

  • Backups: The change includes the transfer of backups, ensuring the preservation and accessibility during disruptions

  • Voicemails and Faxes: Implementation for the shift of voicemails and faxes will be introduced in upcoming releases

Virtual and Hardware PBXs

Admins can activate this feature for Virtual and Hardware PBXs. To enable it and transfer data to the CDS, you need to run the following script via Terminal:


Running this script initiates the migration process, ensuring that data is securely transferred to the CDS. When the data migration is completed, the feature is automatically activated.

Company Data Storage Bundles

Starting from February 1, 2024, you can order CDS Bundles, which offer various options based on storage capacity, Cloud Analytics retention, and the number of Static IPs available for assignment. These bundles are designed to meet the different needs of users and organizations.


Note: The assignment of Static IPs within the CDS Bundles should be done manually through WMP (per-PBX), under Advanced features. This provides complete control and flexibility in managing and assigning Static IPs according to specific requirements.

Existing PBXs Logic

Round-up Strategy

On February 1, 2024, all existing PBXs with purchased storage licenses will be transitioned to the CDS Bundles. The round-up strategy will be applied to allocating storage licenses to existing systems. This strategy involves rounding up the number of required licenses to ensure consistency.

  • The round-up strategy for multiple PBXs in the WMS Network is based on the number of PBXs in the Network. For example, a Customer with 4 PBXs in the WMS Network will be transitioned to CDS-50.

  • For standalone PBXs, the round-up strategy is based on the number of storage licenses. For example, customers with up to 4 storage licenses will be transitioned to CDS-50 if they have a standalone PBX. Similarly, if there are 6 or more storage licenses, it will be rounded up to CDS-500.

PBXs without Storage Licenses

Customer who have not purchased storage licenses will get 5GB of space in the CDS (the same size applies for both standalone PBXs and WMS Networks).


Q1. Why are we migrating data to the CDS?
