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This guide describes how to set up a notification call to a management / frontdesk extension when someone dials emergency number (911 in our example).

For setting up notification call in case customer dials support number to report emergency situation, see the document Emergency Call Notification.

Created: December 2018

Permalink: https://confluencewildix.wildixatlassian.comnet/wiki/x/wgDwAQZwjOAQ

Table of Contents

Emergency Call Notification - Use Case


Step 1. Set up 911 entry in users dialplan(or whatever dialplan target users use)

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Below are applications used in the corresponding order:


Below are preferences for user 765 (Notice the "Call Forward All" is set to send the call to 764)

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Below are preferences for user 777 (Notice the "Call Forward All" is set to send the call to 778)

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Step 3. Create 764 entry in users dialplan. This is the announcement that management extension will get when answering  the call.

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  • Play sound -> User ${MYVAR} dialed 911. Again, user ${MYVAR} dialed 911.


Add extensions you want to be notified to the call group ("Notification" call group in our example). Don’t specify a timeout if you want it to ring until someone answers.

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  • Call group -> "Notification".


Also note that in this example we have added everything to the user dialplan since the originating call is expected to come from an interanl user dialing 911. However, this example could be tweaked to use for some other purpose that perhaps has a triggering event of a call arriving on a trunk. If you reuse this example in such a way you would want to be sure to add the originate application steps into the dialplan associated with the trunk that the call will be arriving on.  
