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This Guide describes how to set automatic Single Sign-On via Active Directory.

WMS Version: 5.X0 / 4.0X

Created: March 2019


Table of Contents

Step 1. Generate KeyTab file in Active Directory


For Cloud PBX, PBX must access AD for sync user only: 

  • Choose an arbitrary FQDN to connect your PBX. Enter name in the following format:


Example: pbx.mycompany.local

Note: This address should resolve the PBX IP address.

  • Go to Active Directory Users and Computers -> Computers
  • Create a new computer account. Note, that this account should not contain a user with the same name


Note: It is recommended to avoid upper case.

  • To create KeyTab file associated to this computer and check spn (service principal name) binding to the computer account, run the following commands with Domain Admin privileges:

    Code Block
    ktpass -princ HTTP/ -mapuser some-name$@EXAMPLE.COM -crypto ALL -ptype KRB5_NT_SRV_HST +rndpass -out d:\some-name.keytab
    Reset SOME-NAME$'s password [y/n]? y
    setspn -Q HTTP/


    some-name$@EXAMPLE.COM - the computer's name in the asset directory (with $)

    + rndpass - the password that is generated for the computer account, where the domain is written in capital letters

  • You can check that KeyTab / SPN is well associated with following command:

    Code Block
    setspn -Q HTTP/

    The correct result is: Existing SPN found
    Bad result is: No SPN found/ More than one SPN found


    If HTTP / is bound to several computers or users, authentication of Kerberos will not work

  • When KeyTab is generated, it appears on the disk - d: \ some-name.keytab:


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See instructions in case the following error messages are present in wms.log: 

  • "No entry HTTP://XXXX found in key table"

Possible solution: Check steps 1, 2 and 3 of the guide. The issue is a wrong keytab.

  • "Error accepting security context"

Possible solution: You might need to check if you are connecting to PBX using the correct URL, and if the browser is well configured. 

  •  "No user found in LDAP" 

Check the connection logs and find out what is the PrincipalName used for connection: USER@DOMAIN or USER? If there are no logs of the user, the issue could be the auth-server-whitelist.