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CLASSOUND is a VoIP operator platform provided by Wildix. If you are interested in setting up CLASSOUND trunk, please contact Wildix SAT for ordering DID numbers/ pricing/ billing and other questions.

Available starting from WMS version 4.01.44081.22 and higher.

Web page:

Created: May 2019


Table of Contents



  • Only per-user systems with recurrent subscriptions (no lifetime)
  • Min. supported WMS version: 4.01.44081.22

How to order


To order CLASSOUND service, send a request to your Channel Manager and indicate: the number of users, number of DID’s and your Channel Manager will circle back to you. We need also the PBX serial/s to connect the DIDs to the PBXs.Check the pricelists

Where to check the pricelist

Follow the steps:

  1. Go to WMP
  2. Click Price list in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
  3. Select the price list type (End User/ Gold/ Silver/ ...) and the format (EXCEL/ PDF) 
  4. Click CLASSOUND button 


CLASSOUND is a built-in trunk present on Wildix PBX. It is hardcoded and it is not visible in WMS on the Trunks page, but nevertheless, as each trunk it should have a Dialplan procedure associated to it. Dialplan procedure "classound" is present by default in WMS -> Dialplan -> Dialplan rules (or created automatically after upgrading the PBX to the supported WMS version). 

You should configure the incoming calls for the CLASSOUND trunk in this Dialplan context. Remember that certain Dialplan applications allow jumping to other Dialplan context, so you can configure the CLASSOUND Dialplan to jump to "main" or "users" procedure at some point, if needed.  


You have several options (in our example we will use the phone number +3904611715111):

  • You can add this phone number as "Office number" in WMS → Users, and it will be used as Caller Number when outgoing calls are placed from those users:
