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CLASSOUND is a VoIP operator platform provided by Wildix. If you are interested in setting up CLASSOUND trunk, please contact Wildix SAT for ordering DID numbers/ pricing/ billing and other questions.

Available starting from WMS version 4.01.44081.22 and higher.

Web page:

Created: May 2019


Table of Contents



Managing calls

Outgoing calls 


The caller ID number that you send on an outgoing call to CLASSOUND must be a DID number that you own (in other words, you cannot send just ANY NUMBER that you want to send).


IMPORTANT: use E.164 (international) number format for outgoing calls.


(French numbers are taken as an example): 

Incoming calls

To route incoming calls via CLASSOUND trunk, modify the default Dialplan procedure "classsound".

The configuration example. 

Emergency calls

Universal Emergency services calls require the prior configuration. To do it contact our sales team.
If the service is not configured - calls will be answered with 503 Service Unavailable


Important: For outgoing calls to emergency numbers in all countries, use local supported trunks as such calls cannot be routed via CLASSOUND.

The configuration example:

  • 1XX -> a called number pattern to cover the range of emergency numbers
  • Dial the trunk - local trunk - local -> outgoing calls are routed via local trunk

Incoming calls


  • trunk


The configuration example. 

Emergency calls


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