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Also, x-hoppers offers an integrated QR code system, which can provide store clerks with instant buyer alerts and let lets you gather data analytics on customer engagement. The system logs each occasion of scanning a QR code by customer.

To set up the QR code system, you need to create dedicated pages on your web server, each page devoted either to a category of products or a separate product. Then, generate QR code for each of these pages, print and attach them wherever required in the store, letting customers request for assistance right on the spot. See more in the QR code system section of this guide.


  1. WMS 6.0 or higher
  2. License requirements: [ ? ]
  3. W-AIR Network components: W-AIR Base stations and repeaters. Amount depends on the store area and the number of users. 


By default, the wair-retail-helper service is disabled. To enable it, follow the below instructions to configure the service:

  1. ​​Go to WMS -> click on Terminal and access PBX as root:
    11 (means Shell, type it in Enter an option line)
    wildix (Password line)
  2. Run the command nano-tiny /etc/wair-retail-helper/service.conf
  3. Add the following lines to the file:


    • USER_AGENT is the SIP user agent of the headset. It consists of two parts, one referring to the base station (Wildix W-AIR-SP), and the other stands for the headset (HS). 

    Note: Make sure the base station part corresponds to the base station you’re actually using. For example, for a headset registered to SBR2 base station, the user agent should be "W-AIR-SBR2/HS"

    • CONF_EXTEN is the value that the headset dials by default in the Retail mode. The value should not be changed.
    • TIMEOUT is the period of time after which the system reconnects the headsets to the conference. You can set the preferred timeout value.

  4. Run the below command to start the service:
    systemctl start wair-retail-helper

  5. Also, configure the service to be started automatically after reboot of the PBX:

    systemctl enable wair-retail-helper

Other commands to manage the service

  • To stop the service: 
systemctl stop wair-retail-helper
  • To check the service status:
systemctl status wair-retail-helper

Joining the Conference from Other Devices

Wildix Wildix desk phones can also join the conference, as long as they are connected to the same PBX. There are two options:

  • A user should dial the feature code for Conference access (98 by default) + the conference room number. Example: 981 for conference room number 1.
  • Alternatively, a Dialplan can be configured so that when users dial a certain number, e.g. 333, the call is automatically put into the conference. 


Documentation: Dialplan Applications - Admin Guide 

QR code system 

Use cases  

  • QR code for each product 

Have a separate web page for each of the products and want customers to get to that exact page when scanning the QR code? Then, this option is just for you. Attach QR code next to each product, which customers can scan and get to the page with the product description. 

  • QR code for a category of products 

If you have a huge store, rather than attaching QR code to every single product, you can opt for using one QR code for a category of products. In this case, you can place the code in each row in your store, to be easily found by customers.  

In either of the above scenarios, once QR code is scanned, clerks are instantly notified which exact product or product category a customer is interested in and can provide any necessary assistance and guidance. Moreover, you can collect statistics (e.g. via Google Analytics) on which product QRs were scanned and how many times, which allows you to analyze customer engagement and make weighted decisions. 

Additionally, on the product web page you can place a Kite button, letting customers contact clerks or back office via chat, audio or video call. 


Kite documentation: Wildix WebRTC Kite - Admin Guide - English

How to set up 

Generate a call 

We provide SDK (REST APIs), which can be used to set up call generation when someone scans the code. So for this part, you need a web developer, who would configure the relevant POST and CURL requests for each QR code.


Documentation: WMS 5 API Authentication - Originate


Note: To protect the system from spam, you may set up CAPTCHA on your website before the call is initiated. 

Configure Dialplan

On the Dialplan side, you need to configure the call to be sent to the conference with clerks. The call should be accompanied with notification via our Text-to-speech feature, to inform clerks which page was scanned/ where in the store assistance is required. Each QR code requires a separate Dialplan entry. 


Documentation: Dialplan applications - Admin Guide

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