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The following Admin Guide explains how to collect syslog trace from Wildix devices without installation of Syslog Server.

Created: June 2017


Table of Contents

Collecting syslog from your Wildix devices can be useful in order to debug various issues. The best solution is to install Syslog Server reachable from outside your network. But in case Syslog Server can't be installed, there is still a possibility to capture data from your Wildix devices. 

Step 1. Enable Syslog server on your devices via provisioning

  • Go to WMS -> Devices 
  • Select a device/ devices from the list and click Edit
  • Enable "Syslog Server" option and enter the PBX IP address or domain name into the field
  • Click Save 
  • After changes are saved, click Configure/Sync device

Step 2. Capture syslog trace from PBX

Method 1 (a single trace)

To capture a single trace:


Code Block
-v -s0 -i any host <DEVICE_IP> and port 514


<DEVICE_IP> is the IP address of your device. 



Note: a pcap file “trace_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM.pcap” is saved to /mnt/backups/traces/ folder.


Important: The max size of 1 file is 50MB. In case its size reaches more than 50MB, a new file will be gererated automatically.

Method 2 (a long-time trace)

To capture a long-time trace:

Open Terminal in the top menu of WMS and run the following command via SSH:


Note: the access to Terminal is enabled only for admin users.

Code Block
# sudo tcpdump -s0 -i any -w /mnt/backups/traces/<FILE_NAME>.pcap host <DEVICE_IP> and port 514


<FILE_NAME> is the name of a file. You can put any name here.

<DEVICE_IP> is the IP address of your device.


Code Block
# sudo tcpdump -s0 -i any -w /mnt/backups/traces/test_trace.pcap host and port 514


Note: in case you need to collect syslog trace from various devices, run the following command via SSH:

Code Block
sudo tcpdump -s0 -i any -w /mnt/backups/traces/<FILE_NAME>.pcap "(host <DEVICE_1> or host DEVICE_2> or host DEVICE_3>)" and port 514


<FILE_NAME> is the name of a file.

<DEVICE_1>, DEVICE_2>, DEVICE_3> are the IP addresses of your devices.

  • Once you finished to collect syslog trace, use CTRL+C to terminate the SSH sesion

Activate a long-time trace in background


Code Block
# sudo tcpdump -s0 -i any -w /mnt/backups/traces/<FILE_NAME>.pcap host <DEVICE_IP> and port 514 -C 50 -W 10&


<FILE_NAME> is the name of a file.

<DEVICE_IP> is the IP address of your device.

-C XX is the max size in MB for each pcap file.

-W XX is  the max number of pcap files.

& means that pcap trace will be activated in background (it will be still active even if you terminate the SSH session).

Stop a long-time trace in background


Code Block
ps aux |grep tcpdump

  • To stop a trace, run the following command. Put the process ID instead of <PID>:

Code Block
kill -9 <PID>

Step 3. Generate the syslog file


Code Block
# sudo tcpdump -A -r /mnt/backups/traces/<FILE_NAME>.pcap | sed '/^\s*$/d' | grep -v "SYSLOG" > /home/admin/syslog.log


<FILE_NAME> is the name used to generate a long-time trace (See Method 2).

Step 4. Download the syslog


Code Block

Step 5. Disable Syslog server on your devices

  • Select a device/ devices in WMS -> Devices and click Edit
  • Disable "Syslog Server" option and delete the PBX IP address or domain name
  • Click Save
  • To complete the action, click Configure/Sync device

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Collecting syslog from your Wildix devices can be useful in order to debug various issues. The best solution is to install Syslog Server reachable from outside your network. But in case Syslog Server can't be installed, there is still a possibility to capture data from your Wildix devices. 

Step 1. Enable Syslog server on your devices via provisioning

  • Go to WMS -> Devices 
  • Select a device/ devices from the list and click Edit
  • Enable "Syslog Server" option and enter the PBX IP address or domain name into the field
  • Click Save 
  • After changes are saved, click Configure/Sync device

Step 2. Capture syslog trace from PBX

Method 1 (a single trace)

To capture a single trace:



Important: The max size of 1 file is 50MB. In case its size reaches more than 50MB, a new file will be gererated automatically.

Method 2 (a long-time trace)

To capture a long-time trace:


  • Once you finished to collect syslog trace, use CTRL+C to terminate the SSH sesion

Activate a long-time trace in background

  • Run the following command via SSH:


& means that pcap trace will be activated in background (it will be still active even if you terminate the SSH session).

Stop a long-time trace in background

  • Run the following command via SSH to check the process ID that is needed for terminating a trace: 


Code Block
kill -9 <PID>

Step 3. Generate the syslog file

Run the following command via SSH:


<FILE_NAME> is the name used to generate a long-time trace (See Method 2).

Step 4. Download the syslog

  • To download the file, run the command via SSH:

Code Block

Step 5. Disable Syslog server on your devices

  • Select a device/ devices in WMS -> Devices and click Edit
  • Disable "Syslog Server" option and delete the PBX IP address or domain name
  • Click Save
  • To complete the action, click Configure/Sync device
