Versions Compared


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This guide is intended for the following audience:

  • PBX administrator, since it explains how to configure Wildix Kite on PBX side
  • webmaster, since it provides the information on how to add the service to a company’s website

WMS version: 3.87

Updated: March 2018


Table of Contents


Important: Starting from WMS version 3.86, use only PBX domain name in Kite links (do not use PBX serial); e.g.:

  •[pbx domain]/[extension] – correct
  •[pbx serial]/[extension] – not correct


Kite user can initiate a call, start video streaming or desktop sharing with the PBX user using the icons situated in the upper part of the screen, click the Paperclip icon to send a file or simply drag the file into the input field (support to send files only in JPEG / PDF format), click Options to:

  • End chat (log out)
  • Send chat transcript to email
  • Make an audio echo test
  • Change the language


  • Go to WMS -> Users -> Groups
  • Select a group
  • Add the Ability “cannot” – “Share status via Kite”/ "Share status message via Kite"/ "Share geolocation via Kite


    Note: if you add the Ability "cannot"  –  "Share status via Kite", PBX user receive receives a call automatically. In this way, Kite user doesn't see any information about PBX user (presence, avatar, geolocation) and can only make calls, without entering chat.

  • Click Save



Note: information is not taken from the PBX in real time, it is synced every 10 seconds, so it’s necessary to specify the refresh time in the JavaScript that loads the information.

  • Show user avatar:

  • Show user status image:

  • Show user status and geolocation in JSON format:




  • Information about the user that includes all the data in JSON format:


{“type”:”result”,”result”:{“uid”:”XXXXXXX”,”name”:”User Name”,”avatar”:”http:\/\/XXX.XX.X.XX\/user_avatar\/XXX.png”,”pbx”:”0050568XXXXX”,”presence”:{“online”:true,”show”:false,”device_show”:false,”status”:false,”location”:{“address”:false,”lat”:false,”lng”:false}},”pbxIp”:”XXX.XX.X.XX”, "pbxDomain":""}}


It is possible to enable each customer to access Kite service without having to fill in his / her personal data each time. Use Kite link in the following format:



  • PBX_Name is the * domain name of the Wildix PBX
  • Extension is the extension number of the PBX user or the call group number who receives the request
  • Customer_Name is the customer name
  • Customer_Email is the customer email address


Customer authorization information is already filled out automatically:


To allow Kite user to connect automatically, add the value “&autologin=1” in the end of the link:


Kite link in iframe

To insert Kite link into the website page in an iframe, add "/embedded" in the end of the link:

Example: <iframe src=”” width=”300″ height=”300″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”>

A ready HTML template

Download a ready HTML template HEREtemplate HERE.


Note: it is possible to use call group ID instead of an extension number, in this way you can route the chat requests to group of users.


  • Go to the page of code generation:
  • Fill out the fields:
    • Serial: PBX name (* domain name)
    • Extension: extension of PBX user or call group number
    • Site URL: URL of your website
    • Top title: you can enter your value
    • Bottom title: you can enter your value
    • Default language: select the default language of the Kite user authorization window, or keep the option “Auto-detection” enabled
    • Auto connect: allows PBX users to receive notification once Kite user opens the page (even if Kite widget is not open)
    • Auto login: after you enable the option, you can fill out “Name” and “Email” of Kite user for pre-authorization
    • Widget behavior: select whether to expand the widget by default, expand the widget after a timeout, or open the widget in a new window
    • Position and offsets: select and optimize the widget position on your website
  • Click Generate
  • The code is generated, copy the code and paste it into your website between the tags and / or into a single web page.\
