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This Guide explains and describes what permissions and limitations fro PBX users and administrators can be set to limit access to certain PBX services and features.

Updated: July 2018


Table of Contents



Can/ Cannot
  • Call Everybody/ Default/ Admin - Group
  • use Virtual scanner Everybody/ Default/ Admin - Group
  • Modify presence Everybody/ Default/ Admin - Group

  • see full number in CDR-View

  • Intercom Everybody/ Default/ Admin- Group
  • Intrusion Everybody/ Default/ Admin - Group

  • Modify public phonebooks
  • View Everybody/ Default/ Admin - Group
  • View calls of users Everybody/ Default/ Admin- Group

  • Delete calls Everybody/ Default/ Admin - Group
  • Share status via Kite
  • Share status message via Kite

  • Share geolocation via Kite
  • View geolocation via Collaboration Everybody/ Default/ Admin- Group
  • Manage the callcenter
  • Be looked up via dial by name
  • See extensions
  • Create conferences
  • Allow/ forbid callscall certain groups of users
  • Allow/ forbid using Virtual scanner Feature Code. More information: Virtual scanner
  • Allow/ forbid setting user status of colleagues in Collaboration. By default, if no ACL rule is added, users are not allowed to set user status of colleagues. More information: Set user status
  • If forbidden, a user can't see full numbers in CDR-View. More information: CDR-View GuideYou can decide how many digits to hide in
    Call and chat history menu of WMS
  • If forbidden, a user is not allowed to use Intercom Feature Code. More information: Intercom
  • Allow/ forbid call intrusion via Collaboration / Feature code. More information: Call intrusion (barging),
    Silent intrusion / Partial intrusion / Conference intrusion
  • Allow/ forbid a user to modify any contact from public WMS phonebook in Collaboration. Details: Phonebook
  • Allow/ forbid viewing colleagues status information. More information: Colleagues status information
  • Allow/ forbid viewing who is calling via Collaboration and WP4X0 2015-2017. Details: Colleagues status information
  • Allow/ forbid deleting calls from History of Collaboration. More information: Calls / faxes history
  • Allow/ forbid sharing user's status via Kite (no user status is shown when contacting user by Kite link)
  • Allow/ forbid sharing user's status message via Kite Allow/ forbid sharing user's status message via Kite(no status message is shown when contacting user by Kite link)
  • Allow/ forbid geolocation sharing via Kite. More information: Limit access to Kite service
  • Allow/ forbid viewing geolocation of users in Collaboration. More information: Geolocation
  • Allow/ forbid using call group management Feature Code. More information: Call group management
  • Allow/ forbid a user to be looked up via dial by name feature. More information: Directory
  • Allow/ forbid downloading extensions in Collaboration Extensions. More information: Extensions
  • Allow/ forbid creating chat/ video conferences. More information: Multiuser chat conference and Create a conference room Ubiconf Videoconference
Can set/ Cannot set
  • Status (DND/Away)
  • Call Forward Busy
  • Call Forward No Answer
  • Call Forward All
  • Call waiting

  • Mobility extension management

  • Call timeout

  • Telephone blocked
  • Ring only active device

  • Mobility confirmation

  • Function keys

  • Timetable
  • 3 state switch
  • Switch
  • Phonebooks

  • Personal Information
  • Advances Advanced status
  • Fax Server Settings
  • All
  • If forbidden, a user can't use Status Feature Code. More information: Status (DND/Away)
  • Allow/ forbid setting call forwarding based on user status via Collaboration and Feature Codes: forward call if user status is Busy, No answer or forward all calls. Consult Call features chapter of Collaboration Guide or Feature Codes Guide for detailed information
  • Allow/ forbid receiving more than one call at a time via Collaboration or Feature Code. More information: Call features and Call waiting Feature Code
  • Allow/ forbid call forwarding to the mobile number via Collaboration or Feature Code. More information: Call features and Mobility extension management
  • Allow/ forbid setting call timeout after which an incoming call will be terminated via Collaboration or Feature Code. More information: Call features and Call timeout
  • Allow/ forbid using Telephone blocked Feature Code. More information: Telephone blocked
  • Allow/ forbid activating only the active device ring vai via Collaboration or Feature Code. More information: Personal settings and Ring only active device Feature Code
  • If forbidden, a user is notuser is notified on who the caller is when he receives the call on mobility extension number. More information: Call features and Mobility confirmation
  • If forbidden, a user can't configure Function keys for WP and Android app in Collaboration. More information: Function keys
  • Allow/ forbid changing a timetable status via Feature CodeFeature Code (Timetables and switches are created in WMS)
  • Allow/ forbid changing 3 state switch status via Feature Code
  • Allow/ forbid changing a switch status via Feature Code. More information: Switch / 3 state switch / Timetable
  • If forbidden, a user can access only phonebooks located in “Selected” section in WMS - > Users (select user) -> Edit preferences -> Phonebooks
  • If forbidden, a user can't change personal information in Collaboration. Details: Personal
  • If forbidden, a user can't add a status message in Collaboration. More information: Status message
  • If forbidden, a user can't change Fax server Settings in Collaboration. More information: Fax Server
Can use/ Cannot use
  • Collaboration

  • Attendant Console
  • History
  • CDR-View
  • Speed dial

  • Shared Recording
  • Personal Recording
  • SMS
  • Fax
  • Paging

  • Pre answer services
  • Pre answer services & message
  • Web phone

  • Voicemail
  • Contact center
  • All
  • If forbidden, a user doesn't have user has access to the basic CTI interface, without full access to Collaboration (no access to Colleagues, Map view, Messaging menu)
  • Allow/ forbid access to Attendant Console. More information: Attendant Console
  • Allow/ forbid access to Calls/ faxes History (also on More information: Calls / faxes history
  • Allow/ forbid access to CDR-View. Detailed information: CDR-View Guide
  • Allow/ forbid call phonebook short numbers using Speed dial Feature Code. More information: Speed dial Feature Code
  • Allow/ forbid using of Shared record and Personal record via Collaboration and Feature Codes. More information: Personal record / Shared record Feature codes and Record a call
  • If forbidden, a user can't send SMS via Collaboration. More information: SMS

  • Allow/ forbid sending faxes. More information: Fax
  • If forbidden, a user can't use Paging Feature Code to send a broadcast to a group of users. More information: Paging
  • Allow/ forbid using pre answer services
  • Disable totally pre answer services including all the messages
  • If forbidden, web phone is not available in the list of devices in Collaboration and user cannot user Collaboration to place / receive calls via Web phone
  • Allow/ forbid access to Voicemail. More information: Voicemails
  • If forbidden, Contact center in Collaboration can't be used. More information: Contact center
Can call/ Cannot call
  • Internal
  • Local
  • National
  • Mobile
  • Emergency
  • Free
  • Premium1
  • Premium2
  • Premium3
  • Premium4
  • North America
  • Africa
  • Europe1
  • Europe2
  • South America
  • Oceania
  • Russia
  • Asia1
  • Asia2
  • Numbers in allowed phonebooks
  • International
  • All

The description of call classes can be found in Call classes explanation Chapter
