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The List of custom config parameters that allow changing various settings in config files.

Created: August 2018

Updated: July 2020


Table of Contents

To make any changes to config files, access them via SSH as root:

Code Block
nano-tiny /etc/<sub-directory>/<config file name>


2 PBXs in WMS Network, each with its own Active Directory for users



Important: By default, the sync is enabled. It is necessary to disable it in case of FAILOVER scenario on Failover PBXs!

To disable the sync:

  • Add

    parameters disable_sync_portal=1  and disable_sync_manual=1 

    the following parameters to the config file /rw2/etc/pbx/device_sync.



    Code Block

    Available values: 1 – sync is disabled; 0 – sync is enabled.

Modify g729 transcoding for web phone calls to trunks which do not support g711



  • It’s not recommended to enable this feature , as it reduces call quality and generates useless load on CPU!
  • It must be enabled only if the operator doesn’t support g711a/u for some calls
  • It can generate CPU overload and problems if too many calls use it; in this case it is recommended to use another operator which supports all the needed codecs ( g711a / g711u / g729)


To enable g729 transcoding, edit :

  • Edit the file /etc/callweaver/sip-general-custom.conf by adding the parameter: 

    Code Block
    Add the parameter 

    Available values: no – the feature is disabled; yes – the feature is enabled.

Modify HD codecs on PBX 


NotesSupported devices:

  • Currently supported devices: Collaboration / Android v. 4.01.12 / iOS v. 7.1.35284 /  WorkForce / WelcomeConsole v.
  • Android / iOS apps
  • WorkForce / WelcomeConsole /  WP480 r3 v. /  WP490 r3 v. 

The feature also works for PBXs in WMS Network.

The feature is enabled by default starting from WMS version 4.01.44329. 36. To disable it:

  • Edit the file /etc/callweaver/sip-general-custom.conf by adding the following



    Code Block

  • Run the command: 

    Code Block
    callweaver -rx "sip reload" 

Modify presence status monitoring via BLF keys


The feature is enabled by default starting from WMS version 4.01.44251. 31. To disable it:

  • Edit the file /etc/callweaver/sip-general-custom.conf by adding the following



    Code Block

    Available values: no – the feature is disabled; yes – the feature is enabled.

  • Run the command: 

    Code Block
    callweaver -rx "sip reload" 

Modify direct SDES-SRTP  


Supported devices:

  • BPI/ PRI Media gateways
  • WP480G WorkForce / WelcomeConsole / WP480G r3/ WP490G r3/ WorkForce, WelcomeConsole
  • BPI / PRI Media gateways


Note: The feature is disabled by default in : WMS

5.0 -


The feature is enabled by default


 To modify. To disable it:

  • Edit the file /etc/kamailio/cfg.d/host_specific_custom.cfg by adding the following linesparameters:

    Available values:
    • sdes_srtp=i:0" - to disable
    • sdes_srtp=i:1" - to enable


    Code Block
    modparam("pv", "varset", "device_caps_sdes_srtp=s:(Wildix WP4[8|9]0GR[3|4])|(Wildix .*BRI)|(Wildix Wildix W0[1-2]PRI)")
    modparam("pv", "varset", "sdes_srtp=i:0")


  • Available values: "sdes_srtp=i:0" - to disable and "sdes_srtp=i:1" - to enable.

  • Run the command

    Code Block
    /etc/init.d/kamailio restart


  • (to disable) /(only for BRI/ PRI mgw) Add a custom provisioning parameter SRTPForceUse=no  SRTPForceUse=yes (to enable) to [wildixgw] section of the file /rw2/etc/provision.conf

  • Send the new configuration to devices via Configure / Sync device option in WMS -> Devices


During ongoing calls, a red green lock on a phone's screen indicates that Direct SDES-SRTP is established.

Select a specific GSM gateway 


The option allows selecting setting a specific GSM gateway for SMS sending for each separate user (available starting from WMS v. 4.03.44914.04):

Access smsd-route.conf file via SSH as root: 


  • Edit the config file /etc/wildix/smsd-route.


    Specify conf  by specifying user extension and MAC address of GSM gateway, for example:

    Code Block

Check registration status of Call group members during call distribution


Note: The feature in:

WMS 5.0X - enabled

is disabled by default

in WMS 4.

0X - disabled by default


The feature is enabled , unavailable users by default and it prevents unavailable Call group members (means no registered devices or no push for mobile apps) , do not receive from receiving calls from a queue. The logic is applied only for Call group calls.!

To enable disable it:

  • Edit the file /etc/callweaver/sip-general-custom.conf by adding the lineparameter

    Code Block
    send_regevent_devstate = yes
    To disable, add the line: send_regevent_devstate = no

    Available values: no – the feature is disabled; yes – the feature is enabled.

  • Reload SIP by running the command: 

    Code Block
    callweaver -rx'sip reload'


The feature is disabled by default. To enable it, add :

  • Add the following line to the file /rw2/etc/kamailio/host_specific_custom.cfg

    Code Block
    modparam("pv", "varset", "ice_drtp=i:1")

    Available values: "ice_drtp=i:0" - to disable and "ice_drtp=i:1" - to enable.


Enable Q-value (serial forking) for trunk registration


  • Copy registration line for some a trunk from /etc/callweaver/sip-registration.conf (Example: register => 144?144:123456:”144″@

  • Uncheck Enable registration option in Trunk Settings (WMS -> Trunks)
  • Add a new line into /etc/callweaver/sip-general-custom.conf: 

    Code Block
    register => 144?144:123456:”144″@

    Where 0.6 is q-value



  • Run the command: 

    Code Block
    callweaver -rx “sip reload”

Modify sending keep-alive packets via UDP packets to keep RTP ports opened


To send UDP packets (by default, RTP packets are sent), proceed with the following:

  • Add the

    parameter rtpkeepalive_mode=udp (available values [udp|rtp]) to

    following parameter to the file etc/callweaver/sip-general-custom



    Code Block

    Available values: udp | rtp.


Exit code 0 from voicemail 

Starting from WMS Stable Version 3.88.41762.32, support Support for exit code 0 from voicemail allowing caller to speak with an operator was added.


The option allows overriding of Global Call groups settings (see the chapter below) and saving custom parameters after each system upgrade.


To override Global Call group settings, you need to edit queues-general-custom.conf which is included in file queues.conf.

Access queues-general-custom.conf via SSH as root: 



  • Add a custom parameter, for example
  • : autofill = yes
  • (by default, the file queues.conf contains autofill = no parameter)

  • Save changes

Global Call groups settings




Hotel PMS

WHoteld package supports some custom configuration parameters that can be changed by editing the file /etc/wildix/whoteld_manager_custom.conf.


  • ReSyncType is used to modify data synchronization procedure. The following values are available:
    • Full - allows all synchronizations
    • Forbid - denies any data synchronizations
    • Lite - denies synchronization requests to FIAS/ XOpen interfaces
  • DnDBehaviour -  setup for the DND event processing. The following values are available:
    • std - accepts DND events only from FIAS interface
    • extended - allows handling DND events also from PBX and XOpen interfaces
  • (removed to another file. See information below) BadgeTimeout - timeout for waiting on the badge programming response 
    • Supported values: 2 min - 6 min - 10 min (min - default - max) 


      Note: Starting from WMS Beta Version 3.88.42955.49, the parameter "BadgeTimeout" is removed from whoteld_manager_custom.conf to whoteld_manager_customwms.conf.

      The new default timeout is 60 seconds. New supported values: 20-600 seconds (min-max).


  • Edit the config file /rw2/etc/faxglobal.conf by specifying the desired horizontal and vertical resolution of the image in pixels per inchFor example: 

    Code Block
    204 YResolution
    204 YResolution=

    Other widespread resolutions: 204x98, 204x391, 408x391.

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