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This guide explains how to enable Wildix Integration with Zoho Products.

Available starting from WMS 4.01.

Updated: September 2019



Wildix integration for Zoho Products facilitates the company's business processes, reduces human latency and automates daily tasks, enabling employees to place and receive calls directly from their Zoho Products. Supported features:

  • Incoming call pop-ups with contact information
  • Click-to-call from Zoho CRMProducts
  • Call logging
  • Possibility to schedule follow-up activities once the call is ended


To start using the integration, follow the steps:

Step 1. Import users from Zoho CRM users account into Wildix PBX:

  1. Log in to WMS as admin user
  2. Go to WMS → Users
  3. Click Import
  4. Select ZohoCRM as Zoho as backend
  5. Click Login
  6. Confirm access to Zoho CRM accounts from Wildix application
  7. Click Save and then Import
  8. After users have been imported, select each user one after another and click Set password to set new passwords instead of the automatically generated passwords 

Step 2. Enable Zoho CRM PhoneBridge integration on Wildix PBX

  1. Go to WMS Settings → PBX → CRM integrations
  2. Under Zoho CRM Integration click Enable
  3. Authorize access in your Zoho CRMaccount
  4. Confirm access to Zoho PhoneBridge from Wildix application

Once you have completed these two steps, users can:

  • receive an incoming call pop-up with contact information and call details
  • decline an incoming call
  • click-to-call from Zoho CRM Contacts by clicking on a green handset icon near the contact's phone number

Upgrade instructions to


Wildix - Zoho PhoneBridge integration

  1. Disable Zoho Integration if it was previously enabled existing Wildix - Zoho integration on the Wildix side (WMS Settings -> PBX -> CRM Integrations)
  2. Delete all users that were previously imported from ZohoCRM Zoho in the Import popup dialog (WMS Users -> Import -> Backend ZohoCRM Users → Import → Backend Zoho)
  3. Log out from ZohoCRM your Zoho account in the Import popup dialog (WMS Users Users → Import → Backend Zoho → logout)
  4. In your Zoho account under Setup -> Import -> Backend ZohoCRM > logout)Log Channels -> Telephony , "Enable PhoneBridge" button becomes available. The administrator has to click on Enable PhoneBridge to enable PhoneBridge for their Organization.
  5. In WMS log in and import users again in again in the Import popup dialog (WMS Users -> Import -> Backend ZohoCRM)Enable Zoho Integration Users → Import → Backend Zoho)
  6. Re-enable Wildix - Zoho integration on the Wildix side (WMS Settings -> PBX -> CRM Integrations)

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