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Smart Dialplan explains how to use Custom Applications in Wildix Dialplan to interact with external software and databases.

Updated: April 2018


Table of Contents

Part 1: AGI in “Custom Application”


This Dialplan is assigned to user 102
NoOp function serves to display the variable value in logs:

Screen Shot 2016-10-25 at 16.08.57.png

Conditions in Dialplan

You can use execute a conditional jump to another Dialplan procedure, based on the boolean result (true or false) of the Gotoif function.

Syntax to execute a jump: GotoIf(condition?label1:label2)


The condition syntax is the following one: $[expr1operatorexpr2], where

  • expr can be a variable, a value, a function, an expression (expressions can be nested)

  • operator as a rule it is relational (comparison) operator ( =, <>..); for nested expressions it’s possible to use logical operators AND, OR, NOT (explained below)


expr1 >= expr2 → greater than or equal


In this example:

set(FOO=1) - we introduce FOO variable with the value 1.


  • condition: $[${FOO} = 1]

  • label1: users,101,1

  • label2: users,102,1

Condition practical examples and useful functions

Example 1: Check if a device is INUSE before sending a call.  

GotoIf($[ ${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/100)} == NOT_INUSE ]?context,101,1)

The function DEVICE_STATE(SIP/100) returns the state of the device, results can be:

Example 2: Check if there are available users in a call group before sending a call.

GotoIf($[ ${QUEUE_MEMBER(2,ready)} == 0 ])?context,101,1)

The function QUEUE_MEMBER(2,ready) count the number of ready members of a call group which are identified by the ID 2

Example 3: check if the CALLERID(number) matches a regular expression

GotoIf($[${REGEX("^0[6-7][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$" ${CALLERID(number)})}]?noanswer,01,1)

The function REGEX("<regular expression>" <data>)returns true if the regular expression matches the data.  

In the example above we check if the caller is a French mobile phone:
Start by 0 then a 6 or 7 then followed by 8 digits => ^0[6-7][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$

Request to remote server: CURL

CURL allows sending a request to a web page. As a rule, a CURL(url) is used together with Set() in order to write a value received from a web page into a variable:




Add parameters in CURL url

In the following example the PHP script returns “102” if “callernum” parameter is 0612345678, else the script returns “101”.


We use the predefined variable ${CALLERID(num)} in the url, but it can be also a function or a variable defined previously.

Request to MySQL server

Dialplan can interact with databases, e.g. MySQL. We can send a request to a MySQL server with MYSQL() function.

A database request requires several steps, here is an example:

MYSQL(Connect connid smartdialplan Wil01diX@@ smartdialplan)
MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT ext FROM callernum WHERE callernum=${CALLERID(num)})
MYSQL(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} FOO)
MYSQL(Clear ${resultid})
MYSQL(Disconnect ${connid})

Connect: Establishing connection to the BDD
Query:  Request execution
Fetch: Reading the result
Clear: Memory cleaning
Disconnect: Disconnection from the BDD


Set MySQL privileges for the PBX to be able to remotely access to this database.

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Use DTMF in call

DTMF allows interaction of machines with humans and uses the following functions: Read(), SayNumber() and SayDigits().

Writes a string of digits (terminated by # or containing a certain number of digits)


Says the digits, one by one, digits can be a variable.

SayNumber(number, gender)
Says number
gender is "f" for female voice; "m" - for male ;"c" - for neutral





Implementation of Smart Dialplan: limited access to the phone based on the amount of credits purchased

This service allows granting a user limited access to phone in a hotel or a camping, based on the number of credits he or she has purchased.


You need to:

  • Upload PHP AGI ( to /var/www/agi/phpagi/phpagi.php

  • Upload test script to /var/www/scripts/test.php


Then you can use “remote script” in dialplan, example: Remote script

Microsoft SQL Integration

Create /rw2/var/www/scripts/sqllookup.php


  • Specify the call destination and the channel to use:

    • Channel: <channel>: Channel to use for the call.

    • CallerID: "name" <number> Caller ID, please note: it may not work if you do not respect the format: CallerID: "Some Name" <1234>

    • MaxRetries: <number> Number of retries before failing (not including the initial attempt, e.g. 0 = total of 1 attempt to make the call). Default is 0.

    • RetryTime: <number> Seconds between retries. Default is 300 (5 min).

    • WaitTime: <number> Seconds to wait for an answer. Default is 45.

  • If the call answers, connect it here:

    • Context: <context-name> Context in extensions.conf

    • Extension: <ext> Extension definition in extensions.conf

    • Priority: <priority> Priority of extension to start with

    • Set: Set a variable to be used in the extension logic (example: file1=/tmp/to)

    • Application: Application to run (use it instead of specifying context, extension and priority)

    • Data: The options to be passed to the application

Use Callfile in dialplan

Create a script file in /var/www/scripts dir.

This script will be executed by dialplan.

Copy a template file and move the duplicated file to /var/spool/callweaver/outgoing/

Code Block
#! /bin/sh
cp /var/www/scripts/ /var/www/scripts/
mv /var/www/scripts/ /var/spool/callweaver/outgoing/
Give permissions to execute the script.
#chmod +x /var/www/scripts/
Create a template file in /var/www/scripts dir.
Channel: SIP/0276510950/0970720101
Application: Playback
Data: 00000/callfile/message

Call a remote script in dialplan.

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Part 4: use device comment field for customize CID  of outgoing call
