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DaySaver Quick Installation Guide describes how to connect and configure the gateway. 

DaySaver Datasheet: Media Gateways Datasheet

WMS Version: starting from 3.88.43544.04

CreatedUpdate: February March 2019


Table of Contents


Please note that currently SMS sending is not supported. It will be available later.


After the device is provisioned, you can configure its settings. Consult Trunk Settings Guide to check all available parameters.

Data connection backup

How does it work?

DaySaver is your small remote office. It can work as a data connection backup, in case it your Internet goes down, and as a backup for Cloud PBX. And, same as its predeccessor, it provides phone calls and SMS even if your operator becomes unreachable (since it allows you placing calls via Mobile network).

DaySaver keeps monitoring the PBX and a other hosts and in case they become unreachable, it automatically switches to mobile data (4G connection). The gateway supports speeds up to 100 Mbit in download and 50 Mbit in upload.

DaySaver as Backup for the voice service: DaySaver is placed between the customer’s existing network and a separate VoIP Network (over vlan, for example). If the PBX becomes unreachable over network, DaySaver automatically switches the connectivity to 4G / LTE.

Without DaySaver:

With DaySaver:

Backup for an entire office: DaySaver is placed between the router and the whole network of the customer. In case the office internet connection goes down, all traffic starts working via DaySaver:

VoLTE configuration for backup

VoLTE Network allows using DaySaver as a backup for Cloud PBXs, as a backup for the cable Internet connection, or, even as the only Internet access for small offices or during the events.


  • Connect DaySaver via LAN to your PC. In case the Internet goes down, the devices switches to LTE and uses the cellular data

Note: IP address of LAN port and IP address of PC must be at the same network segment.


  • Press and hold Reboot button for 10 seconds

Important: complete initialization and loading can take up to 5 minutes!

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